The water
The wondrous water, liquid in its form,
Can shape itself to any vessel's creed,
A humble cup or chalice, it will conform,
To serve its purpose, fill its souls' deep need.
But do not underestimate its might,
For water's power overcomes the stone,
With patience, persistence, in its own right,
It carves its path and claims it as its own.
From mighty oceans to the sky so high,
A cloud, a mist, it wanders through the blue,
Its essence floating, reaching for the sky,
A heavenly dance, forever it renews.
Oh, water, ever-changing, pure and true,
In every form, your spirit shines right through.
Свидетельство о публикации №124042903488
Car il est plus lucide sans doute,
But you have made English do it,
En mystère, éclairant la route.
I am awfully sorry about this....
Анна Мария Вада 29.10.2024 20:18 Заявить о нарушении