Liliputins in German -5062

Gleichschaltung ist, wenn- egal in welchen TV-Kanal man schaltet - immer derselbe Grosse Bruder erscheint ... "
George Orwell
Liliputins. What, the heck, is this?

Dabei kommt es, haengen gleich mehrere Billboards an der Fassade von Kaufhaeusern, oft zu einer unfreiwilligen Wahrheit: naemlich zu einem erhellenden Bild der Gleichschaltung. Auf allen Kanaelen Putin.

Gleichschaltung is a compound word that comes from the German words gleich (same) and schaltung (circuit) and was derived from an electrical engineering term meaning that all switches are put on the same circuit so that all can be activated by throwing a single master switch.[2] Its first use is credited to Reich Justice Minister Franz G;rtner.[3] It has been variously translated as "coordination",[4][5][6] "Nazification of state and society",[7] "synchronization",[3] and "bringing into line".[7] English texts often use the untranslated German word to convey its unique historical meaning. In their seminal work on National Socialist vernacular, Nazi-Deutsch/Nazi-German: An English Lexicon of the Language of the Third Reich, historians Robert Michael and Karin Doerr define Gleichschaltung as: "Consolidation. All of the German Volk's social, political, and cultural organizations to be controlled and run according to Nazi ideology and policy. All opposition to be eliminated."[8] This accords the general description provided by historian Jane Caplan, who characterized the term as "the coordination of German institutions into a cohesive, Nazified whole."[9
