
to М.

hey, since things are the way they are,
what do you say I make you an offer
to spend the rest of this damn life together?

just take a sec and listen to my heart:
can you feel its rhythm?
it's all because of you,
you're the reason it's beating like crazy.

I can't promise I won't tear up
when I start making my vows.
yeah, I know it might seem
a bit over the top – a 47-year-old guy
getting all emotional, but honestly,
if you knew what it took for me
to be standing here with you right now…

I've penned down countless drafts,
some are too simple, others too cliche,
and none seem to truly express what you mean to me.
you know, like they say in those cheesy Hollywood movies,

(LA's not too far – should we plan a weekend getaway?)

Will you marry me?

P.S. hey, why don't we dial up U-Haul and get your stuff over to my place?

Русская версия:

A wonderful poem with the topic so dear to everyone:)
Glad for Your courage and phantasy, which have allowed you to feel the happiness afterwards.
Great, my truly congratulations!

Hugs and kisses,

Кристина Гранта   24.04.2024 00:07     Заявить о нарушении
Ah, Kristy..! Thank you so much for your kind words and warm wishes :) I'm grateful for your encouragement and support. Sending hugs and kisses right back to you!

Your pen pal,
Sasha :)

Эл Стайнберг   24.04.2024 00:38   Заявить о нарушении