Sola Scriptura
Tradition not mentioned in the Scriptures.
Tradition practices contradict the Scriptures.
Tradition practices that appear too late, like accretions and the introduction of alien practices to Christendom.
Tradition has a bad track record that is incompatible with infallibility: errors, disagreements.
The Scriptures already contain the key message and all the necessary information.
My 5 reasons for Sola Scriptura summarized:
(Note: SS is not rejecting church tradition. SS is only rejecting tradition's infallibility)
1. Infallible Tradition is not mentioned in the Scriptures. So, we're sure that Scripture is God's Word but we're not sure if Tradition is. Logically, we'd need to find if Scripture treats Tradition as another divine source of revelation. And, it doesn't.
2. Tradition practices contradict the Scriptures. Some of the practices we observe in the allegedly infallible Church Tradition are in contradiction with surely infallible Scripture. Like the necessity of icons in Church Tradition (icons are not only not mentioned in Scripture, but also possibly prohibited by the 2nd commandment). Thus, Traditon cannot be infallible.
3. Many tradition practices that appear too late, like accretions of alien practices to Christendom. We can see in historical texts (like letters from early church leaders and members) how non-scriptural practices like the veneration of icons initially don't exist in Christianity and then slowly crawl inside.
4. Tradition has a bad track record that is incompatible with infallibility: errors, disagreements. We can find examples of those by comparing doctrinal Church statements in various time periods. For instance, about a millennia the Roman Catholic Church officially stated that salvation isn't possible beyond thisp articular denomination. Lately, though, another official ecclesiastical statement claims the opposite.
5. The Scriptures already contain the key message and all the necessary information. If The Scriptures do not refer to any other sources, they should be self-sufficient.
Christ did not make the Church inspired and infallible - he made so only the apostles and their teachings, not referring to anything or anyone else.
Церковь - тело Христа. Христос - голова Церкви. Церковь остаётся телом Христа только и только покуда она полностью подчиняется Христу. Если хоть один нейрон тела не под властью головы, тело к ней не относится и это нельзя считать ни Церковью, ни тем более Христовой. В теле Христовом все нейроны связаны с головой - Христом.
Once defined correctly, SS can be scripturally defended.
Но если бы даже мы сами или ангел с неба стали возвещать вам не ту Радостную Весть, что мы возвещали вам сначала, то пусть такие вестники будут навеки прокляты!
-к Галатам 1:8-
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