
"Nope" is an informal variant of the negative response "no." On the web, this emphatic expression is used to indicate fear, disgust or general distaste towards something, most prominently stories or media relating to spiders, in similar vein to other dismissive phrases like "do not want" or "kill it with fire

According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, the word "nope" as an emphatic form of "no" was used as early as 1888. It is unclear when the word was first used in association with fear and disgust online. On October 19th, 2010, the /r/nope subreddit was launched featuring photographs of spiders, accumulating more than 5,400 subscribers in the first four years.

On November 11th, 2011, Redditor oddfuture submitted a photograph of a person holding a black widow spider titled "Nope Nope Nope D:" to the /r/WTF subreddit, receiving upwards of 1,700 up votes and 200 comments before being archived (shown below).
