Very Bright!

Very bright.
All diamonds. Reflection.
I feel drunk.
Shine won’t hide your imperfection.

Look at me
I want to do a trick.
I want to taste you
As you are not sick.

Life is a show.
Where are my replies?
Like the ocean’s flow.
What’s the device?

Again, again. Anew, anew live.
Again, again. Again, again life.
Again, again. Anew, anew live.
Again, again. Afresh, afresh swim.

Look at me. Nowhere to swim.
My eyes are black.
All things are grim.

Every day is fuss.
Every news is last.
Winning. Winners.
Losses. Losers.
I want to sing a song
But no trust.

Moving apart. The bridge.
Magic motions. The ridge.
She is. Always with you.
If this way. She will pursue.
You are. Unwell and tough.
You can rely on her bluff.

Worth it?

Вольный перевод текста песни "Очень ярко" Дмитрия Хейлова.
