in front of everyone

для М.

it's gotta seem
pretty funny to outsiders:
here I am, a 47-year-old,
acting like I'm back
in high school,
sneaking out
like a teenager
to meet my crush.

and when I pull up
to get you,
hoping for your embrace,
you come down
and just say 'hey'.

it's like, seriously?
why can't I just
hug you?

all I really want is to just
shout out my love for you
from the rooftops,
without worrying about
what anyone else thinks.

remember how things
used to be simpler
when we were younger?

back then,
you weren't afraid
to show how you felt.
but now,  it's like
you've boxed yourself in
with all these societal rules
and worries about your career…

quit worrying,
what's the big deal?
who cares?

say you love me.
say it loud and clear.
right here.
in front of everyone.
