just dont wait

you don't need to hide your sin
all, who said truth - always wins
don't try to catch waves or wind
The truth and sky alway blind

you don't need being always right
Life about pain and fight
Just enjoy all, what you get
Life is waiting, what you wait?

you don't need play other role
life is way, we don't need goal
don't try catch your passion, mate
life is surprise, just don't wait

ver.2 for lover of right English (thank to my editor)

You don't need to hide your sin
Embrace the truth and just let it in
Don't chase after the waves or wind
For in the truth and sky, solace you'll find

You don't need to always be right
Life's about the pain and fight
Just enjoy all that you receive
Life's a journey, just believe

You don't need to play a role
Life's a river, we don't need a goal
Don't try to catch your passion, mate
Life's a surprise, just don't wait

The power of living in the now
With expectation and a vow
To embrace life's twists and turns
With a playful spirit that burns

обе версии показывают незнание языка. посредственный исходник, робото-помощник. может и не робот, но знание не живые

Грмагистр   12.03.2024 04:53     Заявить о нарушении
знание языка? Вы этого здесь ищите?
на литературном ресурсе в зоне (RU)?
и вообще о каком языке Вы изволите говорить?
о разговорном, сленге, пиджин, межгалактическом?
мой любимый автор это William Shakespeare
но вот оказия, писал он не на английском...
не на том английском,
о котором Вы изволите так сокрушённо гутарить.

Легкая Ложь   29.06.2024 00:25   Заявить о нарушении