Donald Trump As A Single-Cell Organism

Leading Democrat Jim Himes Refers To Donald Trump As A ‘Single-Cell Organism’
©Source: Flickr/Gage Skidmore
Connecticut Representative Jim Himes compared Donald Trump to a "single-cell organism" during a recent podcast interview. The leading Democrat was discussing the former U.S. president's approach to providing assistance to Ukraine when he made that comment.

Himes Claims Ukraine Makes Trump 'Feel Bad', Reminds Him Of Impeachment
©Source: Flickr/Peter G. Peterson Foundation
During the One Decision Podcast episode, Himes stated that Trump "responds to one stimulus and one stimulus only." He prefaced that by claiming Trump was "a little bit of a single-celled organism."

Himes added that the question on Trump's mind is, "Does this make me feel good or does this make me feel bad?" He further explained that Ukraine "makes him feel bad" since "he got impeached over Ukraine."
