fields of snow and dreams

my fields are full of snow and dreams
who want to walk and see all things?
who will find way? no roads here
and no escape… but i'm don't care

my endless sky covers all world
piercing blue deepness shining cold
and only birds can own this sky
do you have wings? can you fly high?

who want come here will not returt
from place, where sun is cold as moon
a shining coldness everywhere…
no escape here, but who care?

ver.2 if you love a right English text (thanks to my editor!)

In fields of snow and dreams I play
Beneath the endless sky of blue
Where only birds can soar and sway
Do you have wings to fly there too?

No roads to guide, no escape in sight
But I don't mind, I'm free and bold
In this world of piercing light
Where the sun is cold as moon, I hold

A tempting secret, a magical land
Where expectations whisper and weave
Tender moments at my command
Seductive figures of speech, I believe

Come with me, let's explore this place
Where the coldness shines so bright
In the beauty of this frozen space
Who cares about day or night?
