Noble king - Sia - ex-California dreamin

Вдохновлено Warhammer AOS.

In place where grass is soft growing through old bones
No one can see the royal court and stay unwatched
And with mind is cracked by the unwelcome touch
Every guest of the noble king will soon become his serve

I lead my way through skulls and twisted rosen shrubs
In place where flower scent is mixed with rotten smell
And near the throne of whitened bones of forgotten men and wars
Silently I crawl by lines of pale adoring ghouls

The noble king is enthroned here dark spell is filled with force
And royal family is near - his offsprings guard nest
With own hands he honours them with trophies oozing blood
And "Long live the king!" - they howl obscured with the purest pride

In dark obsession ghoul-king roars; and wild Harvest Moon
Is as pale as skulls in lines of throne are cracked and grim
The Moon collects the force of Ghur - and spills it onto him
And "Long live the king!" - they weep obscured with pride and fear

На мотив "California dreamin" в исполнении Sia.
