Pupil of my eye

Pupil of my eye

You are the "pupil of my eye"
So English lovers
Their beloved about
Used enormously to say
But me, a one
Of rooted stormy Russians
Came suddenly to conclusion
That the word "Pupil" sounds humiliating
In conext whatever
It is said a way

Russian in
It sounds like a "чмо"
Jargonly - a "фуфел"

The naming
So humiliating for
The young, the unexperienced and the guiltless
Comes blamely down selfly on their stupid teachers

So what
"You are the pupil of my eye"
May literally mean then
For my conclusion
It's just rubbish
Trash and nothing
But you, my readers, may stop, and search, and wait, and analize
And having thought
Then bravely to appeal to me:
- You're not at all some genious
It is your own only
The point
Where you
Couldn't find a compromise.
