Labyrinth - Варвара - Грёзы

Bright constellations arise with murk
May be it is tears shed by me lives ago
Covered by wind into rain and fog
Now I take care of new world in my soul

Mountains erase strangely tangled days
Which are no more than imprintings are gone
There I must drown all believes we shared
To pick the dearest of them on the shore

As bird of white I
Wherever you are will fly
Through darkness and scorching light

One day I faced we became unmoved
So I fled to be burned and become renewed
By old labyrinth I mapped across skies

As black feathers were scorched to dust
Stones and water of rills buried past of us
And we get new chance to make us survive

Nothing remains of that killing breeze
Sown long ago as we were poisoned inside
New morning is warmed by the milk-like mist -
It is true reflection of me in your arms


...Nothing has remained of that stones
That were thrown and broke our bones
Nothing else will reach the bird flying high
As high as stars of ancient ones shine

As bird of white I
Have swooped into your arms
With light and murk left behind

Our story was started by prudish one
But through time we grabbed chance to write own things down
Upon pages were scorched with fire and ice

As feathers of black turned into dust
So the marble of heart melted like poor glass
In the labyrinth of walls made of stars

