
. From nothing into nowhere
 from elsewhere left in past behind
the future's misty, lack of air,
forever endless search,
which’s fair enough you never ever fInd,
 of mumbling weird whispers,
you are enough!!,
 then disappears,
Melting ice into rivers of tears,
soaking in Z funny lakes of fears.

unbearable ocean, tearing waves apart,
with major force of moon,
 which is pulling light, spread in all ears
 full of herself,
That’s  right
 or wrong,
be weak or strong,
be calm or wild,
ahead together or behind,
 the better version of yourself,
 that underwritten book
 that's dusty on the shelf,
that broken code
 on rusty memorising  mesmerizing card.

You must be out of your mindful head.
 It must hard
 to swallow
with better trust in fair self
and hope
that’s desperate for tomorrow.
You got the happiness of unretired wisdom.
Can I borrow?
A bit.
  all I need is a little hit,
to hit small stage,
evolving big on it,
to reengage the wanderlust indeed.

To reinforce
and rearrange
those thoughts chaotic,
acting strange,
those gestures, manners, glances, voices,
those doubtful, indecisive choices,
those moments,
seconds, minutes, hours, days and times
 when I'm alone and talking rhymes,
with each blank page
that's written once and never age,
that golden cage,
I am inside of it with all the keys,
 but feels like hanging on the edge,
free -falling
after the calling
of my name, unpronounceable,
 paralyzed in the dance
of constantly dividing atoms,
 trying to gather all together
in something solid, proper, giant, great,
With every comrade sir and mate
 and rushing somewhere
like cannot wait
To be late
that is the reason,
fifth season of thriller series,
 random analogy,
Episode metaphoric,
 already in museum,
Even historic,
 true that
с плеч гора
В душу очередной камень
Кидают будто насквозь
Поражая мою широкую ось
Яростней сильнее
Делайте больнее
Лучше сразу
Так распознать и иссечь заразу
И пойти лечиться
Чтобы духом  воспрять 
И снова от толпы отличится
Мысль за мной
И догоняет сразу
Подоплекой несуразной
Симбиозом однофазным
День был праздным
Ночь была продуктивна
Тишиною слов
В пассивности действий
Чудеса творились активно
MIRACLE activation
In Meditation
Through transformation
Of your inner motivation

of the gist and higher aim,
all the words that I can't claim
 for the fame, in certain frame
 I am game
 to evolve
this conundrum to solve
 to create something better, using every letter of love.

Think about it, throughout, above, within
. The sin is in, take it out ,  you win.
 Someone lost.
 What is that all about?
Very easy.
Something you want the most.
 Regardless the cost.
Nevertheless, you'd pay the price
 to get higher, to rise.

redeveloped, and structured.
Though still insane,
you are the hero
 in this evolving game.
 You won
 the one,
that one
судьба момента вновь поставлена на кон


 Coding is fun
 when you got all the keys
and all time to make it rhyme
and sound,
to be able to center
while going around,
 to be flying,
knowing where and when to bound
with the purpose found
 in oneself
and beyond the invisible

The harder you fall the higher bounce,
 jumping above your head ,
trying continuously
not just once
vibrating in trance,
Swirling in dance,
looking through the fence
  of those familiar restrictions
disabled gracefully
all of a sudden
in the broken system
 that was by someone created
and hated ever since
 what can you do
evolve love
Within throughout and above
Beyond the limit ever seen,
the wall will fall
 but love will win
evolve in love
with love evolve.
It is the only way to solve
all doubts ,rounds,  levels, obstacles and lines
and everything that makes no sense
 but looks like rhymes 
when you’re in love with universe
 the universe aligns
Trust all the insights you receive
just love, create, evolve, believe

Bali , Lampu
