The train
The lights of the big city were glowing in the distance as the train was gaining speed. Soon they were flashing into the windows as a huge stroboscope, produced by the power of human civilization. The iron wheels were making a rhythmic sound when they were hitting these splits where the pieces of rails matched each other. Everything seemed perfectly fine except for the fact that I knew neither where the train was going, nor what exactly I was doing there. Although the train seemed to be empty, there were a few passengers I was to share my journey with. There was a young man, wearing a leather suit that obviously had something to do with motorcycling. He pretended to be aloof and relaxed, but inner tension made its way out through subtle tremour of his lips. The opposite seat was occupied with an old lady – she was sleeping with her face against the window. Being not an expert in clothes I still allowed myself to make a humble prediction that she was wearing pyjamas. As my eyes were scanning the space around me for more characters to fish out, and , of course, for some pebbles of understanding, the train stopped. An old man stood up- he was wearing high rubber boots that turned into an overall. Was he a fisherman? As he was moving towards the exit he was leaving wet footprints. He was about to step out on the platform but the doors closed right in front of him. Something went wrong – he started to fade away as the train carried on with its weird journey. Soon there was another stop – a diver in a special suit was slowly making it to the exit. Will the train let him out? I stood up an looked around- there were a few boxers, some firemen, some builders wearing these special helmets and some people wearing casual clothes.. Some of them stood up and left . All the situation around didn’t help me perceive what was going on. I sat down and banged my head against the seat my helmet slipped onto my face. It was really strange that I was wearing it – not stranger than everything else though. Moreover, I found out that my cycling pants were on as well. I decided to ask the young biker about what was going on, but I didn’t hear my voice. Sound waves could not travel around the dimension I was thrown into. Then the train stopped again and I found myself walking along the aisle- now it was clear that all those people couldn’t have missed their stations. I stepped on the platform and looked at the stars. They were getting brighter and brighter..
I was lying on the ground with my face exposed to the Sun. My bike was about 5 meters away from me. My back hurt and I couldn’t get back on my feet. I started crawling towards the bike- now I knew I would make it. At least I got off that train!