My Christian Duty 1. 1 2020-2021 Poetry
World is sea where church is ship,
so be brave, stiff upper lip.
I love my mind when struggles sin,
when has to be what would have been,
I love my fate for kingdom come,
for Heavenly all, for Earthly some,
I love my heart when it is told
by God to hate all earthly gold,
I love the Skies for waiting me
in all I may and have to be.
My truth I got from from age and youth
is light from Heavens of Good News,
like always Gospels tell in Greek
the every day of every week,
My truth is all my try to find
the Godly judgment quick and kind,
It’s all my hope of way to go
for wisdom that I gotta know.
I love my lovely solitude,
it’s only righteous attitude
for world, for poetry, for Skies,
for Lord of righteous Jesus Christ,
Who brings the blessing to my soul
to make me better all in all.
Am glad that you’re glad that am glad that you’re glad,
it’s never been turning my life to be mad,
it’s never got broken to pieces my way
that’s way-way eternity having to stay.
If we will permanently prohibit
to Buy and to Sell in the Temple,
then the Antichrist Would Never Be.
The wife is solace of the man
for now & then, for now & then,
I say again it & again,
coz wife is solace of the man.
I hope that Jesus to fulfill
His only Saint and Priceless Will.
He never sells, He never buys,
He never laughs, He sometimes cries.
What is my like?
I gotta hike
the all my way
to get the clay.
I got no power to improve
this shaky world that has the proof
of disregard to Jesus Christ
and people think: it would be nice
to name the vanity The King.
But Angels sing, but Angels sing:
We have the our hope in Lord,
and Our Judge is Godly Word.
I gotta die
That is no lie,
I gonna cry
Coz time is sly.
I dare you all the years of mine
with all my life and short and fine
to get the strength for explanation
where robbery or where donation,
where murder or where grant of love,
where luck or grieve, that’s just enough.
The God is Only Who explains
the wisdom of the world in pains.
God is no sale, He hates the sales.
and vainly ministries of wails
seduce the way of humankind
aye to forget the God. I find
the better Truth in progress of
the song that flies like David’s Dove
or Noah’s Dove that get to sign
my every line, my every line.
It’s curse or course, I never know
though half a century ago
I got my birth to bless this day
though with half century delay.
I like the likeness of the like
As I have come thru many years,
I got just to forget all fears
As if I never die.
I’m pipping pip of all the pips
In here below to fly to Hight
Where all of us are Godly Light
And none of grieves.
I have no worries of my soul
that God to nourish & control.
To blame me in the protest, you
can ruin all my life as due,
to lock me down in the hell
which is no easy part to dwell,
but rather, Human!- do pretend
the Paradise to understand.
Am sick in outward disgust
and as it used to be in past
you can achieve my goal in
all that I ever would have been.
My verse is soul-explanations
to keep in peace United Nations,
to keep alive my Russia, too,
it’s partly dream, it’s partly true.
The prayer of my sinful heart
is Heav’nly Glory ; ; la carte,
I’ll have my luck the day I die
that furthermore I never lie.
Denial to access the Heavens is
the stop of prayers, if you please,
or preparations unordained
to have the rest of reason slayed.
Godly Sunday is Divine
and with all of it I’m fine.
+++ On Brand New Day
Here coming is New Civil War
that tears the heart of USA,
and Kingdom come and here to stay
now driving in not by the car.
The day computers to shutdown
is burning as the morning star.
Here coming is New Civil War!
Fight is for Heav’nly Crown!
BidenCare is in war with Ammo Production.
I went alone thru ages gone
to go with God the ages come,
and Heavens are my only home,
God is My Sun.
I got no power here on me,
I’m weak in Christ, and if it matters
I’ll break all shackles and all fetters
and world to see
my grave that’s modest, shy and peaceful,
my stone that talks in mother tongue.
Or God not there and I am wrong
and ode is whistle.
I’m due to run from wicked world
but on new travel when I board
I wish I would forget to ride
on wave and road just to hide
my face in ruins of nowhere
to purify my sinful stare
in broken stones of city of
the earthly needs, the earthly love.
I’m preacher of the Love Divine,
I’m not the pastor, I’m a soul
that is nobody, that is all,
that’s fine.
I walk alone thru years tough
to make my Homily come true
and all I do is pray for you,
My Love.
I see the only righteous people
on Earth, in Heaven and elsewhere.
And it is righteous way to stare
at world the cripple.
I do belong to Kingdom come
and may be nations of elsewhere
shall find Salvation over there
in God the Chum!
I got hypocrisy in soul
and problem is not there. I
in voyage timeless to the Sky.
Is that the all.
I hope I board on the Truth
that intimate us to the God
and that is all I don’t know what
in aged youth.
O Love to Enemy, to Brother,
to Holy Son, to Holy Father,
to Holy Ghost, to Glory of
My Love.
I got no Answer to My Dream
of Kingdom come, of Kingdom seem,
of Holy God, of Glory of
My Love.
Jesus Babe the Kid I love!
Jesus Babe the Kid no tough!!!
God has big family
and there are too much of disobedient children.
Another deeds Divine,
and another human deeds.
Saint Mary is above our minds
coz She loved by Divine Heart.
Jesus Christ teaches us to pray for our enemies
and to bless those who damn us,
and on the Cross He damns no one,
and He declared only one invincible weapon
and He left only one Key to whole Universe
that is a Cross.
+++ Easter Troparion
A Em7
Christ Resurrected!
A Em7
Christ Resurrected!
G D/F#
He’s God Eternal!
G Em7 D/F#
He’s God Eternal! Eternal!
From God to God my God has come!
I preach His Word I’m walking Fun!
A Em7
Christ Resurrected!
A Em7
Christ Resurrected!
G D/F#
He’s God Eternal!
G Em7 D/F#
He’s God Eternal! Eternal!
Look at the Sky of Godly Love
to start new day and poor, and pure,
for all your duty to ensure
the Sanctity of On and Off.
And odes of yours will sing to bless
the chastity of Sainted way
to say that all we have to say
in Sainted mess.
Light of The Christ is all I have
and from the right, and from the left,
and disobedient to Sly
I walk from Earth and to the Sky
to never die to live for aye
and that is all I gotta say.
It’s rule of reason of my heart,
when it will stop, I’ll have new start.
We to get born, to live, to die
without question of the why,
without hatred to Creator,
without hatred to the hater,
without love to only love,
without a murmur of the dove
of Noah, David, Mariam,
of fellow, pal, and friend, and chum.
Peaceful sacrifice
sainting way
of frightful times
I walked to the road
to meet the God
when I was wishing in heart
that the way without accuse
was showed to me from above
by Lord Jesus
as omen of Paradise
Psalms and songs about love
to the Lord Almighty
I was singing in wartimes
not sinning on the blood
And I heard voice: Only sing
and let nations of earth listen to you
and eternal glory of God
you have to greet on earthly road
Now I left past
and I hurry up to God of Glory
to resolve all my doubts
without hope on occasion
and after that in Heaven of Heavens
rejoicing to sing about Sacred
and by usual and ordinary
to revere Saint Miracles
Not much praying for One Above
I was looking for one treasury
that is unearthly joy
and Revelation of Genesis
and all that I saw and knew
I never changed for cash
and not hurrying to hell
I was thirsty for eternal truth
In dreams and in midnight visions
and in prayers and mysteries and confessions
I saw the one and I was looking for the one
It was invitation from God
and I answered by love
to Christ whom I know
He is King of my home
from first to last days
22.11.2020. 21:27
Blessing to speeches
blessing saying
let Resurrecting Glory
find its place for you and for us
and with Unique Deity
unified with Father and Ghost
you and we are getting used to
greeting and farewells
We hate simplicity
but God is simple and no other
and we read Divine Word
not tolerating purity
and by design of evil executing
all the world around us and above
we thinking revenge and we breathing revenge
for us and on us
The world for us is craze of selfsainted
and we bear it and we swear it
and money are mud and glory is smoke
but today we are not after alterations
and we often scandal with God
about fulfill of dreams
and we hope to don our madness
into rags of hopes
Cross lead me in the world
I crave only you
and not grieving about my past
I bear GoodNews
and I have no other way
but way of Absolute Cross
Jesus be my Salvation
and made for me
the all Eternity to be Sainted
22.11.2020. 21:54
By sweet unworldly grief
live for every poem of psalter
show road above
and be what be
God will open our hearts
and with trust to words
we are to see before
what we counted for fate
When I fall to rise
I fall again chaps
it’s not for salary
my place will be on High
we cannot buy love for money
and eternity in God is unsellable
but it’s chasty and brave
and all of Flesh and Blood
Little by little
changes come into our life
this happiness is unchangeable
little by little
Love appears hour by hour
in first time as in last time
and we think about that
that will be to us on Doomsday
and we are drowning in silver
to harm nearest ones and ourselves
and we have no other way
save Saintity of Life and Peace
22.11.2020. 22:28
It’s pleasure forgetting liberty
to serve to God and to His people
and to have one treasure
that is of Saints
to visit King of Heaven
to hear voice of Angels
to ascend in Holy Ghost
every day, every time
Where are machines and idols
where are rurals funny
where are all electricals
only sparrow remembers
how smells field of wheat
how was born calf
how cock sings
at early dawn
I will come to Resurrected Christ
all way of earth is grief and mishap
and I will sing at His feet
Most Saint Divinity
and now Ghost of Lord give me strength
never sell all that I have from God
and always sing Saint Altars for free
by art of Truth and Love
While communicators of pride
sing complicatedly
no comfort for us
and so till now and from now on
we shall find peace on Heaven
to hear voice of soul
and novel of unhurried days
we’re to get from Angels
It’s pity that I have rarely seen prophetic dreams
it’s pity that I don’t remember what I’ve seen
Lord is right and it’s not abuse
I’m unworthy of prophecy
and my worth is reproach
of prophecy every hour
and comforted
human race runs to perdition
Long ago in land where I was happy
and where I loved young girl
I left my home
with one icon
among many icons
inexplicable in words
that was Dormition
and Virgin Peace
+++ To Saint Gregory Theologian
Glorious song of the Heaven
sing for us Poet
your word is more expensive
for us than gold
we run after you
not in blindness of sin
we hear you defeating our passions
Truth of the God
to enlighten us in your hymns
in Glory of One Above
they will come to us after our death
My friends stop
to run for sorrowful way
and what there be let be
and we have no other solution
when we will enter into Paradise
we will see Glory of Lord
not as minutely game
but as science for us
Glory of poet
was wine for all the world
those who in power
talk only about power
weakness knows
rules of universe
in line of Gospel
bequeathed by God
Philosopher will find lie in
mist of my head
by which I cannot think
coz my age barred thoughts
and it was left to me
that joy enters with Christ
and we have no enjoyable day
but that of Godly Light
it opens entrance where are
life and death and always and never
Forgive me Lord the Saint
only to thee I trust my eternity
and forgetting laziness
I am coming to thee Good Gracious
to live only for thee
I am ruined and raided
but my age is for
my God
One on High show me
where goes my way
how to depart
to make everything alright
how to cut long road short
that Grace sainted though a little
my home
to make me know One on High
Passions kills the Ghost
and heart gets all pain and weep
till Lord will touch it
till He will declare openly
what is our gift and our virtue
that we rarely discuss
that we confess
only to God.
23.11.2020. 04:39
Burning faith
we lack
and we talk
silly always
every word
to Lord the Judge
on Doomsday
where we will tame tongues
but light heart
is not ready
Let’s talk about Greek poetry
and let’s pray about vain rimes
and sorrow about them is unfair
though it’s not in threats and scares
and we will sing till the grave
and we will sing only to the Lord
otherwise we will earn nothing
23.11.2020. 05:11
When I finish my life
and when I ask for narrow coffin
and when I fly above
and happy man
I be filled by new song
and I produce new rime
and I trust myself
to work of words
+++ To Saint Alexandra Chetveriakova
In nunnery you was
with name of Empress
and like she
you was slain
and for Love to Cross
I sing you
who opened to humans
human act
+++ To Saint Martyr Ioann Artemiev
Working for God
all the time
you was shot
by bullet in Butovo
and Lord crowned your life
and He made Sanctuary of your name
and all your eternity
Lord the Faithful to grant
As we undedicated to God
as we dress in gown of sin
not repenting
and whispering to friend to forget
about Lord and to steal
as we don’t see death ahead
as we aren’t ready for it
from first to last days
I’ll reach the exit of universe
to justify all nation
that was all the time
true to God
as no one hoped
I will sing then
Saint Trust to Gospel
not in the dark of the hell
but in the Light where we shall be
By impure prayers
I touch the Sky
and I feel rage of God
who hasn’t pecuniary measure
and so in poverty of Lord
I spend my time
in hope to join Sky
day and night
23.11.2020. 06:54
Truth about God
I hurried to say
to immortal praise
giving all my heart
why to look after
unreal joy
coz simple happiness
is wanted today
our gladness
is pain of soul
Life that is gone
cannot help in war against sin
with late zeal
we run for a Sky
to rest
in Royal Chambers
where we need only
to praise the God
Glorious song
will be sent to me by Creator
if about it
I ask Him
and I don’t want to live
by my own reason
coz reason of Creator
I try to find for
half of century
When I pass away
no one will cry about me
coz I was sinning all my life
speaking that I will repent next year
The memory eternal
is broken bread for us
it reminds about
Lord Crucified
glory to Him who showed to us
Saint Sacrifice of Flesh of Lord
Our talks are void
very often
and forgetting modesty
we are selfglorifying
it’s truth that Creator
hates such honors
and only silent and shy ones
He leads on High
it’s time to learn
ways to Doomsday
and it’s timely
lesson for us
to avoid
evil talks
One Almighty
teach me the fear of You
that afterwards
I was never put to hell
and to righteous hymns
Heaven teach me soon
that afterwards
I reached Paradise
To singers of tolerance and of love
we dedicate our attention
and in eternal melodies
we will be faithful to God
whatever we lack
we will go to Sky
at any time
to please Lord
After prayer
come usually temptations
and we pray
we fight passions
but people of vanity
fight hard against us
We was friends
with reverend John
who wrote poetry
in Yorkshire dialect
but we never prayed together
to Saint Paulinus Archbishop of York
and reverend John died
and was cremated by loving relatives
and for me came the time for prayer
God of Mercy leads us all under the roof
of mysterious questions and answers
and Blessing of Lord
is heirloom of His Altars
coz everyone with chalice
has Life
God gives us gift
of Sacred Honor
if we are near
to His Cup
of glory of One on High
with which we communicated
to Heaven of Heavens
where are Chambers of Liturgy
Please love the One Above
for sake of Heav’nly Love,
for sake of shining star,
for those who near and far,
for strength of every truth,
for none of earthly use,
for Angel Saint who flies
in Sky that never lies.
For ever by the Hands of God
we are led to the Sky
and on dusk and on dawn
we are having Miracles
and in them we find blessing
that God never to ruin
so we trust everything to Providence
God and Poet
have unlimited
eternal union
of joy of words
entering Chambers
of Heavenly Glory
I bother for my lasting prayer
that for abortion is unfair,
that never goes to kill the life
that was concepted for the knife.
01.01.2021. 09:17
My age is illusion of scholar,
my wise disposition is mad,
if really getting things said
I’m man of the no earthly dollar.
I praying my Lord in the Sky,
He answers to me in the Scripture,
it’s shaking my frame as a mixture
of truth without proud, filthy lie.
I crave no truth but resurrection,
it gets no explanation new,
brave hearts for ever only few
and they have no protection.
Whole planet rising in the fight
against the healthy mind
of Godly goodness, Christian kind,
of Saintly Heav’nly Light.
Christ Resurrected, Mother of God Resurrected and We Will Resurrect!!!
In Christ We Win!!!
Sergey Streltsov
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