Lonely stranger

When only light remains and drifts -
There is no mercy left by fate;
There is a lot of things to do -
But no chance to face.

Words still echoes, softly dying -
Ghosts of life, what we have shared!
Now becomes the grave and crying
With illusions what we beared.

A lonely stranger comes at night,
In rain and fog,
And, sitting near the growing fire,
He tells he told.
All fairytales I heard in childhood -
Were funny stories of his life;
And then he leaves, remaining silence,
When damned sunrise brings the light.

Many years pass through and out,
Bringing roles in shows to play;
Only we keep meetings, found
Common tracks in dreams we share.

Doesn’t matter time is running -
The past we had will never end!
It’s inside of us, and, flying,
We can our old funs rehave.

The lonely stranger comes at night -
And leaves in dim of coming light;
I know he wanders woods he liked,
When sun is high, - as was at life.

12/05/2014 - 29/07/2014

У каждого человека есть две стороны: тёмная и светлая. И если от тёмной мы бежим, как от самого лютого огня, то воспоминания о светлой иногда хранятся глубоко в душе, как самые важные откровения.
