Story from another ending

A story can repeat her twists,
Becoming more and more predicted, -
Can life reveal, who now exists
Or who will be existing after?

Once final point was quickly crossed -
And someone broke another chances.
But ground will hide again who falls
Ignoring new but constant questions.

Story from another ending
Can be read in different ways:
Fakely lined, it is depending
Where we find our present place.

May be, mistakes we allow,
Sometime someone somewhere did.
Now we have one aim to follow -
We cannot become extinct.

A story can repeat her twists,
And now, read from another ending,
It shows us, what must not exist
And what must never be invented.

Sometimes we have to cross a flow,
Dividing past and future,
And we have no time to choose:
Who wants to have no cure
For opened bleeding wound,
Considering the all what he can lose?

