
Thirty brave warriors emerge from the sea,
Their hearts are fierce, their spirits free.
With courage boundless, they face the foe,
To conquer evil and lay it low.

They fight for the oppressed, the weak defend,
Their will unbroken, they do not bend.
With every battle, their legend grows,
Against the tide of darkness, they oppose.

They restore justice, bring light to the night,
In every corner where wrongs must be right.
Wherever there's a need for good to prevail,
Their swords are ready, they shall not fail.

For they are the guardians of the oppressed,
In their quest for peace, they never rest.
With honor and valor, they stand tall,
Thirty brave warriors, answering the call.

Through storms and battles, they make their way,
For the sake of the innocent, they cannot sway.
Their mission clear, their purpose strong,
In the fight against evil, they belong.

So hear their story, let it be known,
Of thirty warriors from the sea, alone.
Who faced the darkness with hearts so bold,
For justice, for freedom, their story told.
