42 Of The Coolest Lines In History

42 Of The Coolest Lines In History
Story by Mathew Burke • 1h
1 / 42

1. Go Ahead, Shoot Your Emperor
2. The Italian

1. Go Ahead, Shoot Your Emperor
2. The Italian
3. Molon Labe
4. Picasso
5. The Napping Philosopher
6. Aha!
7. Graine Mhaol
1. Go Ahead, Shoot Your Emperor
Napoleon was in total exile when he met enemy forces. He convinced them to fight for him with just six words. Even after his defeat, abdication, and exile, would-be emperor Napoleon never gave up his goal of gaining control of France and eventually all of Europe. Exiled to Elba after his defeat at Leipzig, Napoleon escaped the island and landed on the French mainland.

There he met a squadron sent to prevent him from reaching Paris. Napoleon looked at them and declared "Here I am. Kill your Emperor, if you wish". Impressed with his audacity, the squadron joined Napoleon on his march to Paris and helped him reclaim the throne of France.
