500. The warrior Сны Бенджамина Воитель

перевод песни "Воитель" группы "Сны Бенджамина" (Россия)

1. The warrior will say goodbye to his girlfriend
Before the dawnlight to go march
To that wondrous place where the undying bird lives
In chained cage; she suffers so much.
2. Beyond the blue seas and beyond the steep ridges
With aliens in captivity,
She was there, entwined with golden grids,
To leave her alone, full of tears.

3. But there is no moaning of hard centuries
And crowds of street poverty.

But once in a century, full of dispassion,
She opens her prophetic beak.
4. The air is then filled with her guttural crying,
Which prophecies death and grief.
And scimitars fall from the walls with loud clanging;
The horse breaks the expensive riddle
5. The lights of the sentry burn at the prison
The guards do not sleep in the dark

You're young, the brave warrior, your way, and your reason
Until your resolve still sparkles.

6. And now you return with your prey to your motherland,
Glorifying the native kind
But after your steps, the Ottomans' bloody
Revenge, like a wave in the sky.
7. The ashes will cover the national borders;
The eyes will be blinded by tears
Look, what have you done, o, my valiant warrior,
Whom have you brought? — only grief

8. So, neither the flame nor the glowing of wisdom
Will leave just a trace on a bird.
The cage has been broken, but, faithful to prison,
She doesn't fly; her heart still hurts
9. So, neither the praying nor the curses she hearkens,
She folded her powerless wings;
She stands, and she shines like an undying idol
For those who remain to live.

январь 2024

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