Resolutions. A Positive Negativity

New Year is the perfect time for making New Year resolutions. Annually they come, and annually they go, sinking into oblivion of this workaday world.

Some resolutions work out all right though, if they are just ways of doing what you already do, or not do. Like resolving to never again chat with the same girls who promise, but don't deliver. Much more likely to succed than resolving to place all that hooey in the out tray, once and for all, and to hereafter lead a sober, righteous and godly life, beginning of course with the day after tomorrow.

Remove all the old bodies from the closet. You'll have to make do with the one in the coffin, now.

Happy New Year, old friend. New sounds fill the air. But it's still 'Tune in, drop out' for us.

2 января 2024 г.
