
Hidden far below,
Secrets are so dark;
Time here doesn’t flow,
Light has no one spark.

Everything you wanna know from me,
But can you live with every one of it?

I have silence like claws on your neck,
But, watching far behind, you've opened back:
Even if I build around us silver wall -
You will be protected not at all.
Even if I build around us silver wall -
You will be protected not at all.

I gave promise: no one hidden space.
Now it’s broken, like ribs of a chest.
Damage is inside, under unhurt skin,
Still unknown like my untold sin;
Damage is inside, under unhurt skin,
Still unknown as monster is unseen.

Will you be able to forgive me?
I’ve built labyrinth for my own soul.
Ever dark days, which still are not gone, -
They’re here,
I, yes, I know, and I’m sure - it hurts you,
But give me a chance to save this lie.
When we together - when you’re mine -
It’s here,

As deep, as I can bury it;
As deep, as you can’t dig it out.
As cold, as I can handle it;
As horrible, as killer’s fault.

I am undertaker of my past.
I am siren of our echoing last.
But you - you’re just a man and perfect not at all,
And no one ever will destroy this wall.
While you are just weak man and perfect not at all -
I will not allow to cross this wall.

12/01/2014 - 19/03/2014
