
Never mind where you should exist
This biting thoughts just tear apart
Never mind what you should be born
Your lifeless grief will not let you far
- Rather fly away in a place you've found
As your inner homeland
A cure for wounded mind

Choirs 1:
Like frenzied crane I wave my wings
The bird uncaged I catch frozen wind
I dump the ones prevented me to live
Just to find out how to breathe

Like frenzied crane I wave my wings
Like bird of white I catch singing wind
While no one knows
When the kingdom falls
No one knows how to flee

Over fiord, under ancient tree
Undertaker made small grave for me
My brothers came and gave me sand
Their pain is mine, cause I should not forget
- Like as children sold by lying mom
You will die in your sorrows
With all hopes undone

You must fly!

Choirs 2:
Like frenzied crane I wave my wings
The bird uncaged I catch frozen wind
I forget dry air I was made to breathe
Just to find out how to live

Like frenzied crane I wave my wings
Like bird of white I catch singing wind
While no one knows
When the kingdom falls
As no one wants to be flee

Let’s flee together over seas
Let’s find our own place on Earth
Forget your past - and you will see
The future is the best to cure

Choir 2 again

Like frenzied crane I leave my home
Buried here the one I have not become


В забытых уголках всё ещё говорят, что души детей, убитых своими матерями, превращаются в белых журавлей - тех самых, что приносят младенцев.
