Protect warmer Love best Be donna
Clever of my hopes
Still lives inside the heart
Slide away the soap
Happy hands apart
Tree that evergreen
Still lives inside ny Soul
Turning off the screen
Life movie cut the ride
Sun above my head
Still lives and always be
Mistake, again so sad
Was wrong, you're not for me
/Justina Shandler - the Mailman
Wider, wilder, warmer
Не бывает похожих снежинок
Листьев с дерева
Львиного фэйса
Как бороздки на руле оставлены
Отпечатки от пальцев из кэйса
Столько в мире всего уникального
Столько разного, редкого чуда
Но особенно ценится чувство,
Что меж рёбер - его не забуду
Пара месяцев амфоры чистой
Без туманности снов альбиноса
Золотые потоки без мыслей
Как ответы без тени вопроса
Впереди неизведанность далей
Мне стихи помогают держаться
Я в руках Твоих, Господи Боже,
Я учусь доверять, не бояться
/Rival Trails - wide awake
Night fall in Love
When night comes into me
My room is fairytale
So sweet, so soft, so pure
Love needs for having male
You are the One, I know
So absolutely feel this
Not asking, crying loud
Not standing on my knees
The powerful belief
Is stronger any tears
One day shalt see your face
Without sadness fears
Not looking for your eyes
They are in Soul of mine
One day shalt touch your hand
And all in place and fine
/Rival Trails - Vessels
The One, the Best
The One, the Best
Not only mine
But I don't need to share or compare
Belong to me
And I beling this World
Which helps us meet each other
In this year
So much to Love, to feel, to touch,
To talk, to sing and many many kisses
Excited absolutely, sure we do
And finally each night becomes delicious
Your eyes into my mind & memories
Are still alive & breathing so, so real
You are the One, your music in my Soul
Your voice into my heart - it's our baby's deal!!
Alisa Shamrow - hold on
We Be
We are, we were
And we'll forever Be
So much to share
And responce so easy
Gold World inside my native Soul
Try always live myself
And find the time - not busy
So real feeling
That I live My Life
First time can see it now so clear
And wanna hug you very much
While whispering "my dear"
It's time to get up fromour knees
And breath the whole chest
This white fresh air
I eanna be right so close to you
Right near because deserve the fair
/Will Dailey - Rise
Wanna Donna
Wanna be near
Call you "my dear"
Losing my fear
Dry all the tear
See it so clear
Need you right here
Wanna be near
//Мы не всегда правы, но это потому, что мы не всегда ошибаемся /CSI NY, 6 - 18
/Soulsavers - paper money
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