Runtu the essays less accurate and transparent
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Runtu : I found the essays less / / than “accurate and transparent the USA
Гений России Николай Тихонов 1896-1979 ryuntyu - эссе и статьи, 12.08.2012 16:14 +
Гений России Е. Дубровский-Лесник 1870-1941 ryuntyu - эссе и статьи, 12.08.2012 16:09 +
Гений России Юрий Тынянов 1894-1943 ryuntyu - эссе и статьи, 12.08.2012 16:04 +
Гений России В. Каверин-Зильбер 1902-1989 ryuntyu - эссе и статьи, 12.08.2012 15:52 +
Гений России Николай Смирнов 1898-1978 ryuntyu - эссе и статьи, 12.08.2012 15:48 +
Гений России Валерий Правдухин 1892-1939 ryuntyu - эссе и статьи, 12.08.2012 15:43
Runtu : I found the essays less / / than “accurate and transparent the USA
As most of my readers know, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints recently put out a series of essays discussing controversial or difficult historical or doctrinal issues.
Church Provides Context for Recent Media Coverage on Gospel Topics Pages "
I have written previously that I found the essays less than “accurate and transparent,” as Jeffrey Holland insisted they are, “within the framework of faith.”
Several faithful Latter-day Saints
(and even a few non-LDS)
I know have responded by saying that
isn’t the church’s responsibility to
teach an exhaustive history and deep study
of doctrinal matters, so it’s too much to
ask for accuracy and transparency.
For a lot critics, the LDS church will never do enough until they air all their dirty laundry and explain it.
And in my view, whoever wrote the essays felt they had given as much information as they could to maintain that framework of faith.
Initially, I thought it was pretty obvious the church has been teaching history and doctrine for 185 years, so it isn’t out of bounds to ask that what they teach be accurate and complete.
When you’re not completely open, it looks like you’re hiding something, and that never ends well.
After all, it was the desire for secrecy and control of the message that led to the Hofmann bombings in the 1980s.
But then I recognized that the church focuses on gospel principles and behaviors that are intended to lead people to Christ, so why get sidetracked wading through the depths of these things?
I think I finally have a solution.
Open all the church historical archives to researchers in the way that libraries have long opened their “special collections” to academics and others, so long as those accessing the documents and books respect the terms of use
(not removing things, wearing gloves where appropriate, and so on)
and that confidential information about living people is not compromised.
Maybe it really isn’t the church’s responsibility to dig through the records and try to approach “the whole truth,” whatever that might mean. Let someone else do it.
But, you might say, wouldn’t that just open the church to attacks from secular and religious critics?
Yes, it would, obviously, but then it’s not as if the church hasn’t been attacked by groups using information that is already in the public domain.
Maybe I’m being naive, but I can’t imagine there’s all that much information in the archives that is any more embarrassing than that which is already known publicly.
By opening the archives–even the First Presidency’s alleged “vault”–any sensationalistic attacks would be tempered by accurate information and context from academic authors and faithful church members.
In short, it makes sense for the church to focus on its core mission of inviting all to come unto Christ and leave the blips and flecks of history to the historians.
Surely, something would arise on occasion that the church would feel it needed to respond to, just as it has with the recent essays, but historical and doctrinal oddities would be kept in proper perspective.
I suspect most members would take any “shocking” revelations in stride, as they have other issues.
No longer could any church members say that the church had “lied” to them or hidden things, and critics could no longer accuse the church of covering things up.
(For the record, I am pretty sure I have never said the church has lied or covered anything up. If I ever did say something like that, it was probably in a moment of frustration.)
I’m a realist and don’t expect the church to do anything like this. Most image-conscious organizations feel the need to control the message, so they guard “proprietary” information carefully.
But the church might follow the example of Tesla Motors, which last year released its electric motor and battery storage patents to the public in hopes of furthering the adoption of its technologies by other people, even competitors.
Tesla is betting that whatever damage competitors might do with this information is outweighed by the good of putting the information out in the light of day.
It’s a nice thought, anyway.
Runtu : I found the essays less / / than “accurate and transparent the USA
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2024 Автор Юри Рюнтю о Русской Речи: / / 2023
Русская напевность и растяжка длиннот в звуке,
Русская неторопливая вязь слов,
Русское ощущение природы и человека,
Русская внутренняя скромность,
Русская духовность за 1025 лет,
Русское православие за 1025 лет,
Русская обрядность… 1025 лет.
Как много чистого и красивого - в этих смысловых звукосочетаниях...
2024 автор / / Рюнтю Юри 19 Лeт 2005-2024 на Стихи.Pу / / Runtu is a technical writer and editor living in Salt Lake City. A collection of articles published by Runtu /
2024 автор / / Рюнтю Юри 18 Лeт 2006-2024 на Проза. Pу / / 2024
TEATP учит : обуздывать ярость, если она вспыхивает / /
TEATP учит : распознавать гнев до его превращения в насилие.
2005 - 2024 / / Стихи.ру - это Грандиозное и Единственное на планете Земля - Явление в Мировой Культурологии из России - / / Media TV Radio : 2024
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TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : 10 Драма : 575-620 : Пророк Mухаммед и Жена Xадиджа / / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / 2022
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Биография основателя ислама, Великого пророка Мухаммеда:
родился 22 апреля 571, в городе - Мекке
скончался 8 июня 632, в городе - Медине
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Их человеческие качества, особая чувствительность и восточный колорит душевности, помогли мне подняться до темы, которую я решил раскрыть для собратьев христиан.
Теплота друзей из мусульман вокруг меня - открыла путь, о котором я не догадывался. Я взглянул на Коран - их глазами. Коран распахнул мое европейское сердце. И тут я понял, что суть Святой Книги - КОРАНА - родилась из мусульманской семьи. Здесь - семейные разговоры в семье Mухаммеда и Xадиджи - и осмысление : Сути и Предназначенности Человеческой Жизни и Космического Мироздания с присутствием БОГА. Живым Источником всего на Свете - были отношения между : Мужем и Женой, чем и была : их святая и трепетная любовь : Любовь Пророка Mухаммеда и Xадиджи... Все ЭТО - выражено мной с Трепетом и Уважением в текстах пьесы " Пророк Mухаммед и Xадиджа : 575-620 годы " к их Грандиозным Судьбам. Моя любовь к НИМ - искренна и смиренна.
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Runtu : I found the essays less / / than “accurate and transparent the USA
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