Thoughts and Essays, Loving and True

"Oh, how sincerely, truly, madly I hate this world.
This world where every living creature is born in pain, struggles to stay alive every moment, lives in constant fear and dies prematurely in agony.
Where everyone devours everyone and everyone pretends it's a beautiful world.
The world where "homo homini lupus est" (man is a wolf for another man), where he is condemned, doomed to trick, to deceive and lie all the time, be a hypocrite and, like wild beasts, live at the cost of his brethren, his kin, other people. Live off their blood and flesh.
The world where stupid and cruel God made bad man and made him responsible for his bad job. And where stupid and silly people worship this God calling themselves his slaves.
This is hell. Hell is this life on Earth where everyone tries to persuade others and himself this is a good life they should be thankful to their cruel and stupid God they stole from others but pretend it's theirs.
Where everyone is blind, deaf and senseless closing their eyes upon reality and turning it upside down.
This all makes me sick and makes me desire to leave this hell as soon as possible".

We are all afraid of truth. Whenever we open our mouths we lie, involuntarily or willingly. We are the most lying critters of all with civilizations and cultures built on lies. No other living being is so much a product and carrier of a false made-up story about themselves, an ultumate lier.
Our culture, the most of literature, music and ethics were created with a primary goal of escaping the cruel truth and flattering our ego.

The Christians say God cares and loves us, the atheists say God doesn't exist but life is beautiful and rational, the romantisists have nostalgia for the past and worship nature...
And what everyone's doing is merely looking for some comfort and meaning of this meaningless and comfortless life.
Look around in all honesty.
What you see?
One living critter lives off another - and "homo homeni lupus est" (man is a wolf to others) is the true law of life and nature.
Everyone lives at the cost of his next kin but pretends God wants it and so things work.
Others say it's humans are evil, corrupt but nature is just and beautiful.
But look honestly at nature too.
It's ruthless and merciless: a lion kills a young fawn, an eagle feasts on a living fish tearing pieces off it alive, mirriads of living critters devour each other just to survive and pass their genes on...
But nature is beautiful and God is great.
Tech progress and human evolution haven't helped much either - humans have killed more people and in new technically advanced ways than in all the previous centuries before.
They suffer from overworking, new deaseases, opressive governments and regimes more than ever before, and they definitely do not feel any happier...
Do you truly think we are better off now than before?
Others idealize the past and hope for the future.
But it's also a petty solace of the suffering now in this life.
It looks we are more messed up than we prefer to admit and there's no healthy way out...

One of the signs of a simple mind is worshipping and idealizing outstanding figures of the past.

We live in a world with a lot of questionable and doubtful notions that are absolutely and unquestionably good or bad for common people.  One of such notions is "reading is always good for you".
I personally always come across this "reading always does you good" notion, and nearly never come across any "reading isn't always good" or "reading is bad for you" notion.
Having read volumes and volumes in verious languages myself, from Shakespeare, Goethe, Schopenhauer, Montagne to Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, I would like to bring up some rarely mentioned (and very unpopular) reasons why reading is not always good or even bad.
1. App. 90% of books are just nonsense.
Pulp, rubbish, harm...
2. Even so-called good books, the classics like Tolstoy and Schopenhauer, were written by humans - and "errare humanum est".
They are full of far-fetched ideas, questionable notions and exaggerated situations. Which the reader must discern and not trustfully take  as the ultimate truth from the hands of the "genius writer".
3. Books, and good books too, are brilliant thoughts of others. Others in their time, their situations, with their characters and in their cultures.
Which means, they do not always fit in with your time, culture and situations. They may be ambiguous, questionable and just contrary to your thoughts and perceptions. And, those "brilliant thoughts" aren't yours. You have not worked them out, lived them out, bled them out... You just take 'em, and throw 'em in, and show off...
4. Living by others' great thoughts ain't living with your own mind. In other words, others' words don't make you.
5. At some point, having read selectively and carefully, rarely and attentively, one should stop reading others' wisdoms and start reading this world in his own words and thoughts, with his own mind. Contemplating and meditating, watching and looking, and making a picture of this world of his own. Honestly and deeply.
Start "writing" instead of never-ending reading.
Unfortunately, most people prefer using and citing others' bookish wisdoms rarely questioning and doubting what they read in a hyped-up book, blindly trusting a dominant name. Just retelling others' ideas and not generating their own.

As soon as people start claiming some thing is absolutely good or absolutely bad, even if supported by general common sense and if the thing's goodness or badness is "absolutely" evident, I understand how wrong they actually are.

One of the signs proving most people, despite their modern superficial attributes and tech progress, are ignorant and in fact have not much developed is the fact most of them continue worshiping so called national and historic heroes, political and military figures and characters each of whom was a conqueror, mass murderer and agressive military alpha usurping power and often so for the very forefathers whose descendants afterwards make national heroes, idols and icons like Chingis Khan, Timur, Napoleon, Stalin etc., worship and idolize them.

No society, no association of people in this world can be happy or last long without the help of Folly; no people would put up with their governer, no boss endure his subordinate, no teacher his pupil, no friend his friend, no wife her husband, no landlord his tenant, no soldier his drinking-buddy, no lodger his fellow-lodger -unless they were mistaken, both at the same time or turn and turn about, in each other.

There's definitely something wrong with humanity. Tech progress doesn't help much - we are still enslaved, stressed out and unhappy, our environment is polluted, wars become deadlier and more massive, our peace of mind is farther away than it was with our forefathers.
Where did we take the wrong turn, and did we?

Why am I?
I eat, drink, sleep...
I go to school, to college, to work...
I earn money, I make a career, I achieve and succeed...
By why?
What for?
At first, those good necessary things seem so right, but as time goes, they lose their meaning and don't make much sense...
They all go to waste, turn to nothing.
I go to waste and everything I do makes no sense
Why are all they?
Why am I here?
Why am I???

We are all afraid of truth. Whenever we open our mouths we lie, involuntarily or willingly. We are the most lying critters of all with civilizations and cultures built on lies. No other living being is so much a product and carrier of a false made-up story about themselves, an ultumate lier.
Our culture, the most of literature, music and ethics were created with a primary goal of escaping the cruel truth and flattering our ego.

One of the signs of a shallow mind is operating within given frameworks and conventionalities, literally walking the same trodden path, rejecting new options and variations.
One of such frameworks and trodden paths - one must work all his life, work hard, earn money and hit retirement when it is set and allowed by society and the time we live in.
I have made several researches on options and people as to how to step away from this trodden path - not to work as prescribed by society or work in different modes, not widely known and approved, and this is what I have found out:
1.   the idea "work all your life and work hard" is hammered into our heads from an early age on by the state and society to get a reliable taxpayer, an obedient member of society and a manageable cog in the big wheel who would not question the system and just follow the set-up rules;
2. this "modus vivendi" is tacitly accepted by the majority and those who "invent" other, new modes how to get by not working as seen proper are often called "deadbeats", "parasites" or more rarely looked upon as some kind of illuminati whose expertise and advice are sought after to repeat after them;
3. most people exercise a "love-hate" relationship as far as working hard all life long is concerned: on the one hand they insist the rules must be obeyed and everybody must work - this is what good citizens must do, on the other they hate working hard themselves and would rather prefer inheriting a fortune or striking oil not to work for the rest of their lives;
4. they involuntarily "cheat on themselves" convincing themselves that their mostly wretched lives, full of much hard work and little money, are right and this was their own decision, debating every other option for others calling it cheating and no good;
5. they throw all their energy onto defending their delusions and their old "modus vivendi" they often hate, instead of allowing in new options and giving them a slightest thought.
Bottom line: as it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks and as the most ardent defenders of slavery are often the slaves themselves, so the people who work hard and aren't happy with it are often the slaves of their own making.

Average man is a conformist, stereotypical animal prefering smooth, flaterring his delusions, comforting truths. Anything out of this order, interfering with his chewing reflex and digestion, causes rage, indignation and denial.
