Your hug to Diana Magnay 3
There is no such person, beast and bug in the world who would not like to warm up in your tender embrace. When you are filled with the warmth of love and your mood is like the blue sky on a sunny clear day, then you are able to work miracles. One touch of yours can heal a person's soul. And if you hug him with all the kindness and affection that only YOU are capable of, he will immediately become infected with life. the day you hug me, time will slow down or stop altogether. I'll probably feel it such lightness in my soul, as if I became a cloud of happiness with you. At this moment, I don't want to talk and think at all – I'm just hot air warmed by Love. Your hugs are vital to me. I understand that you will not hug completely strangers. But those whom you love and appreciate, you can give your hugs more often and thereby make them happier, calmer and healthier. Giving love to people is all about YOU! When you press your soul against my soul, I will feel the life in both of us. I feel your tenderness and love. I will hear our hearts beating and whispering that there is nothing more important than this moment. But only in your arms people can experience this love to the fullest – and that 's all YOU are!
Diana, you are love in everything. In a smile, a look, words, a walk. And in the arms, , in the embrace!
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