Runtu I wish it could have been better timed USA

Runtu : I just wish it could have been better /  / timed the USA

Part 2 _ Lotus Glen: _ Australian Gays in Prison: QLD: 2017_ The-Stanford-Prison-Experiment _ Рюнтю Юри _ academician Uri Runtu _ Lotus Glen Correctional Centre   _ Writer _ Journalist Yuri Ryuntyu _ Gay Culture Cairns _ Ryuntyu _ academician Iouri Runtu _ Lotus Glen QLD_ Black Lives Matter and Indigenous Australians; NSW_ TAS_ACT Australia_

2024 : Журналистика : Франко - Англо - Pусско-язычный писатель и журналист - автор : Юри Рюнтю / Uri Runtu / Yuri Ryuntyu / French : Iouri Runtu : BOOK : Rudolf Noureev : La Mort a Paris / Canberra ACT : Australia - / / Media TV Radio : Общение и Опыт жизни этих Выдающихся личностей - помог мне прожить счастливую жизнь на Западе и в России : Margot Fonteyn (1919-1991), Patrick White (1912-1990), Robert Helpmann (1909-1986), Nora Kaye (1920-1987), Herbert Ross (1927-2001), Janet Karin (1938), Frederik Ashton (1904-1988), Laurence Olivier (1907-1989), Vali Myers (1930-2003), Jean Babillee-Gutmann (1923-2014), Pina Bausch (1940-2009), Josephine Baker (1906-1975), Tamara Karsavina (1885-1978) and Laurel Martyn (1916-2013)/ Celebrities Russia / Canberra ACT Australia / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu : English : Hео-трансцендентальный театр Рюнтю Юри : / / : 2024.

2024 : Tiktok : Runtu, Uri Telegram : Юри Рюнтю: Что такое - ПОЭЗИЯ?

POETRY is like the intellectual sunshine of mankind.

The music of poetry multiplied by words has between
flourishing for many millenniums across many cultures.

If civilization was to vanish from history,
the aroma of poetry would still exist,
leaving a legacy to light the way for a new beginning.

Poetry preserves links between generations and civilizations,
keeping intact the feelings of a person,
safe within the words they write to leave behind.

Those who find these words re-open the world of the poet; a peaceful place to enjoy their experiences and ideas of the world.

This is what our poetry is about... : the Neo-transcendental theatre by Uri Runtu : 2024

2024 - Русско-язычная Культура в Австралии : Фото: Академик Рюнтю Юри и Профессор Шумяцкий Борис: 2004. Дар из 62 КНИГ о Выдающихся Россиянах и России на ДВД - для Библиотек АИС Москва: Ассоциация Историков Искусства, лично передан - доктору искусствоведения Шумяцкому Борису (генеральный директор Международного филиала АИС ), Россия, Москва. Academician Yuri Ryuntyu in Russia: 2004. Аrt collection by Runtu family (Australia): 2004 / / ШУМЯЦКИЙ Борис Лазаревич 1937-2013: Москва Россия / / Hео-трансцендентальный театр Рюнтю Юри: 2024.

Runtu : I just wish it could have been better /  / timed the USA

Life in the office was good.

 I liked the other elders, and the MP and I developed a good relationship.

He liked to

talk politics with

me because he

knew I’d disagree

with him.

Missions are all about ass-kissing.

I was never into that, so I’d disagree, and he actually appreciated that he could have an intelligent conversation with me.

 Running the mission finances was a big job. We had a budget of more than € 1 500 000, every penny of which needed to be accounted for.

During this time, I became known as mission cook.

I hate bad cooking and can cook well, so I used the office to practice my hobby.

I cooked for between 6 and 8 missionaries every day.

 This will become more amazing later in the story.

I was quite able to do all the tasks required of me.

It was weird, though;

 my mission, which was supposed to be a great spiritual experience, had become something like a 9-5 job, only with longer hours.

 Spirituality was really not a high priority.

Sometimes the car elder and his companion got out and did missionary work.

I always had too much work to do.

I was enjoying it all until, after a while, I stopped being able to sleep.

My sleep patterns went to hell.

It was really bad.

I was getting only a few hours of sleep a night.

I could not function properly during the day.

 About this time moves happened, and all the office elders changed, except me.

One of the new elders was a self-absorbed,

ignorant arsehole who thought he received

personal revelation about everything.

The personality clash between us was a catalyst for major mood swings.

One minute I was happy and the next furiously angry.

I slipped into a general depression and was referred

to the newly assigned area psychiatrist.

The church psychiatrist in Frankfurt dealt with missionaries all over Europe, usually by phone.

His office was in the area office, a 10-minute drive away.

On my first consultation, he diagnosed me, based on previous experiences and family history, as having Cyclothymia, although this quickly changed to Bipolar Mood Disorder, Type 1 (BP1).

 Around the same time, it was suggested that the office elders

make a better attempt at the more ‘spiritual’

 side of missionary life.

For most, this meant going out to appointments at night,

 but more importantly for me, more personal study.

I had always felt that church history was

 a little disjointed and slightly incoherent.

I considered this to be a failing of my own knowledge.

 I started to study church history, including the Journal of Discourses.

All the usual suspects were new to me:

blood atonement and Adam-God, etc.

At this same time, the church psychiatrist decided that some cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) would be useful, especially until the medication kicked in.

 I had been prescribed Zoloft, which, although it slightly lifted my by-this-time extremely dark mood, also increase the severity of my manic upswings.

When manic, I studied with great speed and intensity, I was devouring the Journal of Discourses. In my CBT sessions I discussed many things relating to the church. For years, I had disagreed with all the political statements the church issued.

Having studied world welfare systems, I knew that the church welfare system and the principles upon which it is founded were based on a model of right-wing conservatism for which I had no support.

Politics became the first point over which my doctor and I bonded.

 He was a lifelong Democrat from a line of Democratic politicians in Idaho.

He started to relate his feelings as I did mine.

During one session I said that, as a result of existing beliefs and the new information I had discovered, I no longer believed the church was true.

 His response was,

“Neither do I.”

He went on to explain that he had known the church was in no way divine from his mission days, too, and that for years he had said very little and never interacted with his wards.

 As a psychiatrist and a liberal, he had always felt uneasy and unwelcome. Sunstone magazine would call him and his wife, ‘border landers.’

 From this point on, I have believed that Mormonism is nothing but a facade for most people.

Their final straw was the excommunication of the “September Six.”

Although I was in a bad way, I was very grateful to have a friend in whom I could confide.

He and his wife were in my ward, and I began spending more and more time with them.

 We are still in contact and very many friends.

 Soon after this, things took a turn for the worse.

 L. Tom Perry announced a mission tour

 to start his stint as area president.

His letter to the MP stated that he wished to examine mission finance

records and to ensure that everything was in order.

I had managed to make some major innovations to our systems,

 but having been in a deep depression,

 I had fallen well behind in everything other than paying bills.

 I had spent many a day sleeping under my desk, unable to move.

To get ready for L. Tom, I worked 18-hour days trying to get months of transactions to balance, trying to file receipts and the thousands of bits of paper that were strewn around the office.

I worked myself into the ground to get things into some semblance of order.

The sisters from the neighboring area even came round to polish and hoover the place for me.

This frenetic pace lasted several weeks, my condition continued to deteriorate, and by this time I was suicidal.

I was now on the highest possible dose of Zoloft and on mood stabilizers.

 I felt like shit.

There was huge hype about the apostle coming to visit.

At his talk in the Frankfurt stake canter,

I sat next to the doctor and his wife.

Perry spoke about time management.

Where was the spirituality in that?

I leaned over and told the doctor that this sounded exactly like a corporate training session I had been to two years earlier with the bank I worked for.

 Perry even talked about productivity rates. The whole thing was a load of shit, and I said so to the doctor. He and his wife agreed.

L. Tom then proceeded to meet with the MP and his staff in the office.

His questions were incoherent.

He continually asked questions about mission finances, but they made no sense whatsoever.

He was unaware of mission accounting software or any procedures and continually asked about punch cards.

I’m sure they were obsolete by the late 1950’s.

There was no inspection of financial records,

no detailed questions that made any sense.

I was pissed off.

I had worked myself into the ground whilst suicidally ill for this man, and it appeared that he was too senile to have any concept of what was going on.

I met L.

Tom Perry several times, and I am convinced that he has early to middle-stage dementia, which goes unreported to the general membership.

Throughout my illness, I have to say that everyone was quite understanding. Whenever the APs got haughty about me sleeping during the day or refusing to go to events, the MP always straightened them out for me.

 However, one day whilst paying invoices, I came across the invoice from the pharmacy.

All the medication for missionaries in Europe came from this one little chemist’s shop next to Frankfurt’s West Centrum, and I got a copy of the invoice with the items for my mission highlighted.

 I suddenly realized that I was on more medication than any other missionary in Europe. Added to this, I knew that I was to be moved in six weeks to become a zone leader after ten months in the mission office.

 Talk about an inspired calling!

I went to see the doctor, and in my session, I told him I’d had enough and that if he did not send me home after training my replacement over the next six weeks I was leaving.

 Evidently, he did not take my threat seriously, something he has since apologized for.

His reports to the MP had been increasingly vague, and we had become such good friends that I think it would have been too difficult for him to send me home.

                His wife was a huge critic of the church.

She was forever biting her tongue, and one day, shortly before my departure, she gave me a copy of ‘No Man Knows My History.’

It was moving night.

I was moving anyway, and so my packing was in no way suspicious.

I was up later than anyone else, not surprising given

the length of time I had lived in Frankfurt.

Over the previous couple of weeks, I had used the office Internet, my credit cards, and some investments that I sold to buy an airplane ticket to my never-Mormon grandmother’s home in America.

 I even bought a car on E-bay.

The deception involved was huge.

I had experienced missionary disappearances before. I knew that the APs were sent to Frankfurt airport and the ZLs in Dusseldorf to the airport there.

I therefore bought a ticket for a night train to Zurich.

At 1 am I got up very quietly, dressed in full missionary attire.

I lifted my suitcase rather than use the wheels and placed it in the stairwell.

 I then sat down at the table and wrote a letter to the Oberb;rgermeisterin of Frankfurt to register my departure from the country.

 I left the letter and closed the door behind me, my heart racing.

 I crept down the marble stairs and out the front door to the street. I then drove the mission car to the office, directly next to a major train station. I locked the car and placed the keys in the office letterbox.

I then boarded the train. I was sitting in Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof, crying over the decision I had taken–a decision I felt I had to take. I could not have been a ZL or enthuse my zone when I myself had no testimony.

I boarded the night train to Z;rich. I had a compartment to myself. I watched through the darkness as I left Frankfurt and travelled south. I went through the most southerly town in our mission with elders in it.

I imagined them sleeping peacefully in their beds as I struggled with my own feelings, moods, and the horrific side effects from the medication I was on.

As I sat alone in the compartment, I slipped off my name tag and breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

That morning I reached Z;rich Flughafen.

I checked in for the flight. The man addressed me in German the whole time until he saw my passport.

He apologized and said he had thought I was German.

For a fleeting moment I wondered if this was a sign.

 I dismissed it and boarded the flight to Newark.

I was in a terrible state, so I was surprised I was allowed to fly, but as I am told constantly, I cover up very well. The stress and my situation combined, and I collapsed in Minneapolis Airport but was allowed to fly.

 Whilst flying across the Atlantic I used the airphone and called the doctor.

He was crying, not for any gospel or related reason but because I was alive and safe and that he cared.

I explained where I was and where I was going and why. He realized that I had been cornered without much choice.

When I landed, I phoned my parents–my head spinning–and told them where I was.

I regret that my mission ended the way it did. I am glad that I learned about the fraudulent nature of the church.

I just wish it could have been better timed,
not on a mission and not during a nervous breakdown.

I spent eight months in America before

I came home to Scotland,

 eight months before

 I felt well enough to return home,

 but not to the church.

2022 : TEATP : Все 1 - 10 Пьес : для сборника --- Авторa Юри Рюнтю- " Театральная Драматургия : Русско-язычная Культура Дальнего Зарубежья России : Австралия XX - XXI век" / / 2022

2024 Автор Юри Рюнтю о Русской Речи: / / 2023

Русская напевность и растяжка длиннот в звуке,
Русская неторопливая вязь слов,
Русское ощущение природы и человека,
Русская внутренняя скромность,
Русская духовность за 1025 лет,
Русское православие за 1025 лет,
Русская обрядность… 1025 лет.
Как много чистого и красивого - в этих смысловых звукосочетаниях...

2024 автор / / Рюнтю Юри 19 Лeт 2005-2024 на Стихи.Pу / / Runtu is a technical writer and editor living in Salt Lake City. A collection of articles published by Runtu /

2024 автор / / Рюнтю Юри 18 Лeт 2006-2024 на Проза. Pу / / 2024

TEATP учит : обуздывать ярость, если она вспыхивает / /

TEATP учит : распознавать гнев до его превращения в насилие.

2005 - 2024 / / Стихи.ру - это Грандиозное и Единственное на планете Земля - Явление в Мировой Культурологии из России - / / Media TV Radio : 2024

TEATP 2022 : Все 1 - 10 Пьес : для сборника --- Авторa Юри Рюнтю- " Театральная Драматургия : Русско-язычная Культура Дальнего Зарубежья России : Австралия XX - XXI век" / / 2022

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : 10 Драма : 575-620 : Пророк Mухаммед и Жена Xадиджа / / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / 2022

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : Драма о Пророке Mухаммеде и Красавице и Умнице жене Xадидже :

Биография основателя ислама, Великого пророка Мухаммеда:

родился 22 апреля 571, в городе - Мекке

скончался 8 июня 632, в городе - Медине

В Медине - его гробница — место поклонения десятков миллионов пилигримов Ислама.

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю 2022 : Театральная Пьеса : Драма - Пророк Mухаммед и Xадиджа - как - Эталоны Человеческой Морали и Семьи, и как - Выдающиеся Личности и Высокая Интеллектуальная и Духовная Элита Человечества : Историческая Драма на Исламскую тему и Мировая Культура : Россия - Европа - Азия и Арабский Мир : 575-620 г.г./ / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia : 2022

Мухаммед и Иисус Христос для нас символы духовности и эталоны чести, морали и общечеловеческого достоинства в отношениях между людьми на земле.

Их человеческие качества, особая чувствительность и восточный колорит душевности, помогли мне подняться до темы, которую я решил раскрыть для собратьев христиан.

Теплота друзей из мусульман вокруг меня - открыла путь, о котором я не догадывался. Я взглянул на Коран - их глазами. Коран распахнул мое европейское сердце. И тут я понял, что суть Святой Книги - КОРАНА - родилась из мусульманской семьи. Здесь - семейные разговоры в семье Mухаммеда и Xадиджи - и осмысление : Сути и Предназначенности Человеческой Жизни и Космического Мироздания с присутствием БОГА. Живым Источником всего на Свете - были отношения между : Мужем и Женой, чем и была : их святая и трепетная любовь : Любовь Пророка Mухаммеда и Xадиджи... Все ЭТО - выражено мной с Трепетом и Уважением в текстах пьесы " Пророк Mухаммед и Xадиджа : 575-620 годы " к их Грандиозным Судьбам. Моя любовь к НИМ - искренна и смиренна.

TEATP 2022 : ЮРИ МЭТТЬЮ РЮНТЮ - Авторское Произведение Сценической Драматургии для Театра и Кино: Представлена Историческая драма на Мусульманскую тему о Великой Личности - Пророка Mухаммеда и о Членах Его Мусульманской Семьи: 575-620 г.г./ / 2022

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : 9 Драма : 1879-1997 : Братья Карамазовы : Приемыши / / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / 2022

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : 8 Драма : 1997-2030 : Дети и Внуки Братьев Карамазовых / / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / 2022

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : 7 Драма : 1936-1940 : Смерть Собора Святого Духа / / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / 2022

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : 6 Драма : 1930-1964 : Русский Сальери Борис Пастернак и Марина Цветаева / / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / 2022

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : 5 Драма : 1922-1930 : Лубянка Владимира Маяковского и Лилии Брик / / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / 2022

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : 4 Драма : 1919-1925 : Ад Есенина Cернея и Айседоры Дункан / / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / 2022

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : 3 Драма : 1917 - 1921 : Тайна Александра Блока : Первая Мировая Война : WWI / / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / 2022

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : 2 Драма : 1915-1945 : ЖИЗНЬ МАТВЕЯ : Вторая Мировая Война : WWII и Первая Мировая Война : WWI / / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / 2022

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : 1 Драма : 1914 - 1918 : Жена и Мать : Царь Николай II : Первая Мировая Война : WWI / / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / 2022

