Runtu Pharaohs, Pyramids, and incredible astronomy

Runtu : Land of Pharaohs, /  / Pyramids, and incredible insights into astronomy the USA

Ic;ne mondiale du web: Black Lives Matter and Indigenous Australians: Lotus Glen Correctional Centre: _ Australian Gays in Prison: QLD: :

2012 : Stanford University : Australian Gays in Prison : Lotus Glen: Correctional Centre: _ Prison for Gays in QLD _ NSW _ ACT  _ LGBTQ _  Prisoners : Black Gays in QLD _ Black Lives Matter and Indigenous Australians _ The-Stanford-Prison-Experiment _ USA : Рюнтю Юри _ academician Uri  Runtu _ Writer _ Journalist Yuri Ryuntyu _ Gay Culture in  Cairns _ academician Ryuntyu Yuri_ academician Iouri Runtu _ QLD_NSW_ TAS_ACT _ Australia 2012-2017: LGBTQI – Cultural Gay Projects: 2024: since the 1st of September 2012 until the 1st of September 2017:  USA _ Australia _ Russia _ NZ _ UK – _ Black Gays in Prison: QLD :  Gays in Prison : QLD _ Australia: Lotus Glen Prison : QLD _  2012-2017.

Ic;ne mondiale du web: Black Lives Matter and Indigenous Australians: Lotus Glen Correctional Centre: _ Australian Gays in Prison: QLD: :

2024 : Iouri Runtu, Uri : Автор о ЕДИНСТВЕННОМ ДРУГЕ - на ВСЮ ЖИЗНЬ - и это о Рудольфе Нурееве - КНИГА - Iouri Runtu - BOOK : ' La morte a Paris : Смерть в Париже : Рудольф Нуреев : 10 000 друзей и 400 интервью : Rudolf Noureev : Rudi Nureyev' / Первое издание / / - О последнем годе жизни день за днем - за 400 дней - Великого гения России - Рудольфа Нуреева во Франции : страниц: 1-685 RUDOLF NUREYEV NOUREEV RUDOLF: 400 Interviews 10 000 Friends : ' THE DEATH IN PARIS: RUDOLF NUREYEV : IOURI RUNTU : Sa Mort 'a Paris: Rudolf Noureev ' / Celebrities RU / ISBN 978-1-925278-11-8 Australia / Yuri Ryuntyu / Australia / Россия - Австралия / Media TV Radio Russia / / Canberra ACT Australia / Uri Runtu : the Neo-transcendental theatre: 2024.

© 18+ : Все права принадлежат авторам, 2000-2022. Портал работает под эгидой Российского союза писателей. Интеллектуальная Элита Демократической России : 18+ Russia 2024.

2020 - ГЕОРГИЙ ЛАРИН : George Larin / / 2024

2024: "Нео-трансцендентальный театр впервые зародился в Австралии, основоположником его является крупнейший современный англо-франко-русскоязычный писатель, драматург и журналист Юри Мэттью Рюнтю... " 2024

Book : 2024 GEORGE LARIN: URI RUNTU'S PLAYHOUSE: critical reviews: AUSTRALIA: THE NEO-TRANSCENDENTAL THEATRE: ART COLLECTION: 1 - 5 PLAYS: 1-20 ESSAYS: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527-85-8-3: French: English: Russian: volume 1: 1- 494 pages: Published Canberra ACT Australia: NLA ID 8855253

Book : 2024 GEORGE LARIN: URI RUNTU'S PLAYHOUSE: critical reviews: AUSTRALIA: THE NEO-TRANSCENDENTAL THEATRE: ART COLLECTION: 6 - 10 PLAYS: 1-20 ESSAYS: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527-83-7-8: French: English: Russian: volume 2: 1- 613 pages: Published Canberra ACT Australia: NLA ID 8855253

Book : 2024 GEORGE LARIN: AUSTRALIA: URI RUNTU'S PLAYHOUSE: THE NEO-TRANSCENDENTAL THEATRE: ART COLLECTION: 1 - 10 PLAYS: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527-80-9-3: French: English: Russian: volume 3: 1- 641 pages: Published Canberra ACT Australia: NLA ID 8855253

George Larin : ГЕОРГИЙ ЛАРИН

2024 : " The neo-transcendental theatre was born for the first time in Australia, his founder is the most well-known modern English-French-Russian writer, the playwright and the journalist Uri Matthew Runtu (Canberra ACT).. " 2024

2024 Hео-трансцендентальный театр Рюнтю Юри 1-1748 CTP : 1 - 1748 pages

Runtu : Land of Pharaohs, /  / Pyramids, and incredible insights into astronomy the USA


One of many worlds that God has created. The earth was formed during “a creative period [that] was of relatively short duration” and has a “temporal existence” of a mere 7,000 years. This earth is special because it is the one to which Jesus came in mortality; this had to be so because people on earth were the only ones wicked enough to kill their Savior.


A Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus. For Mormons, this is generally marked by Easter candy, ham and funeral potatoes, and possibly some Christ-centered talks in sacrament meeting.


The place in what is now Missouri where Adam and Eve dwelt in innocence until Eve “chose wisely in accordance with the heavenly law of love for others” to disobey God’s commandment and thus bring mortality into the world. But it’s OK because God didn’t really want them to obey.

Education Week:

An annual event at BYU where church members pay money to hear motivational and faith-promoting talks from moonlighting seminary and institute teachers whose books are available for purchase. (Disclaimer: BYU does not guarantee that any education will be provided during said week.)


Land of Pharaohs, Pyramids, and incredible insights into astronomy, such as how the sun borrows its light from Kolob, and ancient languages, such as the meaning of the Chaldean word “Rahleenos.”


 A hieroglyphic script used in ancient Egypt that was fortunately translated brilliantly by Joseph Smith before he had heard of the Rosetta Stone.


A black woman who was the wife of Ham and the founder of Egypt. Had she not survived on the ark, we would never have known black people were cursed.


 A term of respect for older, wiser believers whose experience and wisdom are to be respected. Also the title given to inexperienced teenagers before they go on their missions. Often mistaken as the first name of every missionary.


 “The elect are those who love God with all their hearts and live lives that are pleasing to him. Those who live such lives of discipleship will one day be selected by the Lord to be among his chosen children.” 

(Note: Does not apply to those who

haven’t received the ordinances

of the LDS temple. Sorry, Mother Teresa.)


The Greek form of Elijah used in the New Testament. Joseph Smith taught that Elias was not Elijah but a different prophet who “apparently lived in the days of Abraham.” This teaching has nothing to do with Joseph’s ignorance of Greek. He later explained that Elias was not a name but a descriptive title meaning “forerunner” or “restorer.” This teaching has nothing to do with Joseph having recently studied Greek.


The Hebrew form of Elias. Elijah is not a title but refers to a specific Old Testament prophet who appeared in the Kirtland temple and restored the power to seal men and (multiple) women together eternally, though slightly too late to cover for Joseph Smith’s relationship with Fanny Alger.


The given name of God, meaning “God.” Elohim lived a mortal life on another planet and then was exalted. He now resides on a planet near Kolob with his wives, with whom he begat us spiritually. He was the literal Father of Jesus; Mary’s conception was, according to some prophets and apostles, performed by natural means, such as possibly through artificial insemination.
End of the World: A joyous day that all believers look forward to with great anticipation, when sinners will be destroyed and the earth burned by intense fire.


One of God’s names. Not to be confused with eternal or unchanging.


A ceremony in the LDS temple in which patrons make covenants and learn signs and tokens that are in no way related to the same signs and tokens used in Freemasonry.  This ceremony is sacred, not secret, and is accompanied by an obligation of secrecy. As Jeffrey Holland explained, “We do not have penalties in the temple. … We used to.” These penalties are also in no way related to Freemasonry or the aforementioned obligation of secrecy.


To keep the commandments with exactness until the end of one’s mortal life. After one has expended his or her own best efforts, Jesus grants his grace so that they might be saved, but not a minute before.


 A word meaning “antagonism.” Satan, for example, uses his enmity to “take the treasure of the earth, and with gold and silver … buy up armies and navies, Popes and priests, and reign with blood and horror on the earth!” (Note: The part about Popes and priests has been discontinued; please forget it ever happened.)


 A prophet so righteous that he and his entire city were taken up into heaven without tasting of death. This does not suggest, however, that he was as righteous as Joseph Smith.


A Book of Mormon prophet known for spending all day in prayer and for quoting Paul almost 500 years before Paul was born.


An official magazine of the LDS church, containing counsel from leaders and sanitized accounts of “faithful history” and cheerful testimony of how happy Mormons are. Often contain such nuggets of wisdom as the call to pay tithing, even if it means you have no money for your family’s food. Known for an artistic aesthetic and layout slightly better than those of Watchtower publications.


What the world feels toward us.


 The teaching that God loves all of His children and wants them to be happy and fulfill the measure of their creation, unless of course they’re gay.


The Greek form of Isaiah. Joseph Smith also taught that Esaias was a prophet who lived in the time of  Abraham (D&C 84:13). This teaching has nothing to do with Joseph Smith’s ignorance of Greek at the time. See also Elias.

Eternal Life:

 Living together as (polygamous) families in the celestial kingdom, where we will be busy creating worlds and procreating to populate those worlds with our spirit children. This teaching should not be shared with news media.

Evil Speaking of the Lord’s Anointed:

A grievous sin involving any criticism

of church leaders,

even if such criticism is true.


The highest degree of the celestial kingdom.

 Available to black people since 1978.

 See also Celestial Kingdom.


A punishment involving being cut off from the LDS church.

Effective only for those people who care.

Extermination Order:

When armed Mormons attacked a unit of the Missouri state militia, Governor Lilburn Boggs mistakenly and without any justification whatsoever concluded that the Mormons were in a state of rebellion;

in a major overreaction,

he declared that the Mormons should be driven from

the state “or exterminated.”

The law stood in effect until 1976, when Missouri’s governor rescinded the order and Mormons could freely enter Missouri without being summarily executed.


Old Testament prophet who, unbeknownst to most Christians,

clearly prophesied about the coming forth of the Book of Mormon.

2022 : TEATP : Все 1 - 10 Пьес : для сборника --- Авторa Юри Рюнтю- " Театральная Драматургия : Русско-язычная Культура Дальнего Зарубежья России : Австралия XX - XXI век" / / 2022

2024 Автор Юри Рюнтю о Русской Речи: / / 2023

Русская напевность и растяжка длиннот в звуке,
Русская неторопливая вязь слов,
Русское ощущение природы и человека,
Русская внутренняя скромность,
Русская духовность за 1025 лет,
Русское православие за 1025 лет,
Русская обрядность… 1025 лет.
Как много чистого и красивого - в этих смысловых звукосочетаниях...

2024 автор / / Рюнтю Юри 19 Лeт 2005-2024 на Стихи.Pу / / Runtu is a technical writer and editor living in Salt Lake City. A collection of articles published by Runtu /

2024 автор / / Рюнтю Юри 18 Лeт 2006-2024 на Проза. Pу / / 2024

TEATP учит : обуздывать ярость, если она вспыхивает / /

TEATP учит : распознавать гнев до его превращения в насилие.

2005 - 2024 / / Стихи.ру - это Грандиозное и Единственное на планете Земля - Явление в Мировой Культурологии из России - / / Media TV Radio : 2024

TEATP 2022 : Все 1 - 10 Пьес : для сборника --- Авторa Юри Рюнтю- " Театральная Драматургия : Русско-язычная Культура Дальнего Зарубежья России : Австралия XX - XXI век" / / 2022

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : 10 Драма : 575-620 : Пророк Mухаммед и Жена Xадиджа / / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / 2022

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : Драма о Пророке Mухаммеде и Красавице и Умнице жене Xадидже :

Биография основателя ислама, Великого пророка Мухаммеда:

родился 22 апреля 571, в городе - Мекке

скончался 8 июня 632, в городе - Медине

В Медине - его гробница — место поклонения десятков миллионов пилигримов Ислама.

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю 2022 : Театральная Пьеса : Драма - Пророк Mухаммед и Xадиджа - как - Эталоны Человеческой Морали и Семьи, и как - Выдающиеся Личности и Высокая Интеллектуальная и Духовная Элита Человечества : Историческая Драма на Исламскую тему и Мировая Культура : Россия - Европа - Азия и Арабский Мир : 575-620 г.г./ / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia : 2022

Мухаммед и Иисус Христос для нас символы духовности и эталоны чести, морали и общечеловеческого достоинства в отношениях между людьми на земле.

Их человеческие качества, особая чувствительность и восточный колорит душевности, помогли мне подняться до темы, которую я решил раскрыть для собратьев христиан.

Теплота друзей из мусульман вокруг меня - открыла путь, о котором я не догадывался. Я взглянул на Коран - их глазами. Коран распахнул мое европейское сердце. И тут я понял, что суть Святой Книги - КОРАНА - родилась из мусульманской семьи. Здесь - семейные разговоры в семье Mухаммеда и Xадиджи - и осмысление : Сути и Предназначенности Человеческой Жизни и Космического Мироздания с присутствием БОГА. Живым Источником всего на Свете - были отношения между : Мужем и Женой, чем и была : их святая и трепетная любовь : Любовь Пророка Mухаммеда и Xадиджи... Все ЭТО - выражено мной с Трепетом и Уважением в текстах пьесы " Пророк Mухаммед и Xадиджа : 575-620 годы " к их Грандиозным Судьбам. Моя любовь к НИМ - искренна и смиренна.

TEATP 2022 : ЮРИ МЭТТЬЮ РЮНТЮ - Авторское Произведение Сценической Драматургии для Театра и Кино: Представлена Историческая драма на Мусульманскую тему о Великой Личности - Пророка Mухаммеда и о Членах Его Мусульманской Семьи: 575-620 г.г./ / 2022

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : 9 Драма : 1879-1997 : Братья Карамазовы : Приемыши / / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / 2022

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : 8 Драма : 1997-2030 : Дети и Внуки Братьев Карамазовых / / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / 2022

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : 7 Драма : 1936-1940 : Смерть Собора Святого Духа / / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / 2022

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : 6 Драма : 1930-1964 : Русский Сальери Борис Пастернак и Марина Цветаева / / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / 2022

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : 5 Драма : 1922-1930 : Лубянка Владимира Маяковского и Лилии Брик / / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / 2022

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : 4 Драма : 1919-1925 : Ад Есенина Cернея и Айседоры Дункан / / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / 2022

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : 3 Драма : 1917 - 1921 : Тайна Александра Блока : Первая Мировая Война : WWI / / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / 2022

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : 2 Драма : 1915-1945 : ЖИЗНЬ МАТВЕЯ : Вторая Мировая Война : WWII и Первая Мировая Война : WWI / / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / 2022

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : 1 Драма : 1914 - 1918 : Жена и Мать : Царь Николай II : Первая Мировая Война : WWI / / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / 2022

