Time of conflict

С благодарностью журналисту-международнику Александру Палладину за помощь с переводом на английский язык стихотворения "Время конфликта" http://stihi.ru/2022/05/07/122

My Lord! What a time we live in!
On subway going back home 
A lad swings wounded flesh on my phone
Penetrating my mind, my body and my brain, 
And going mad on air… 
Russian? Ukrainian? My Lord, it’s unbearable!
Humanity is sick and it scares.
My Lord! I know it’s always the same thing
When a conflict does not concern you.
The price of Tesla is more important than
The news of what’s going on in Donbass!
To find out what’s really important
Russia over centuries
Is fighting bravely for fairness
And for the crucial title of Human!
My Lord! We accept our duty obediently
Fraternal blood is flowing
While globalists are laughing haughtily
People wake up again…
Being unable to change the world process
And seeing the cost of oil
They march in the West while protests grow,
And we’ll win over Globalism!

