
 Ме never start
when caugh

-  4-тый - 3-тий
  5-ый , я пошел
 Boost add ! Включить Автопилот !

 - Captain , -  You are in mind for sure
   last Night you spent with ~ sluts
 from Chinese district

  -  153 .  Sharply on Cuntenberry I.

-  Sir , Вы станете - стрелять в меня ?  - Из правой подлокотни -?

 -  What's Mate the number of the passengers on Board   ?
  (  Малыш - не так-то просто развернуть А-380
    на обратный курс !  Los rusos no se va_lim )

 -  А хорошо  !   17 per cent are citizens of Spore
 71 per cent  Australians
 12% Indo-Pakistany

- Sum total - ?-!! - [ fuck the mice ]
- around 276
- How many must on board !    - Amigo ?
- 276  ~

- Лево на борт !
 Чанги-4angy  -  Call Sign is "Papa-Chаrlie - _Five hudred-219  [ board ]
  How do read me  "

- What happened ,  что случилось ?
- Да , просто :
  возвращаюсь    .. .

- Ок , - by radar you are to be at 2 hundred sixty miles away from .. .

arranged for you Green Light .. . First excellent priority 

 садись ,
 нe разгоняй ,

  -  Mine own only Friend
      Obliged , Appreciated .  Much 0k

 .. . 4angy 4angy - Papa-Charly
 - Bro , strong Zund blasts Mine drift 15 is to the Left
 - No se , Signor ,  plenty enough of words

-  I have to get have landing  - at the Zoo to the North
 to put Park  down to a Lake is full of ruzz flamingo !

- O-oh-No de nado , Brother .
I call up Government

- 5 minutes - is  remaining to the crash

- Can u call down
  the Straight Molluca ?

- I will I think to strive
- Stop press the button - Shassi

- They asked whether you could give another round 
above the aquatoria

- Run out fuel . Empty
- Ok - well

Call back when landed   
