Adam. Forbidden fruit

I am sentenced to hard work.
God ordered it that way.

And you know. what I've realized over the years
Only the one who falls from tireness at the end of the day fulfills his destiny.

Only the one who gives all his strength to work can claim something.

Then nobody cannot refuse him anything.
All doors will be open for him and all tables will be set for him.

He will be invited to an awards ceremony or a great celebration. Becouse his name in the list.

Because he did not save his strength

and did not take care of himself,

but gave all of himself to the work to which he was called.

I was silent for a long time.

But I decided to break the silence

I decided to speak.

Not in my own defense.
Just something left unsaid.

If a person wants to say something, he will definitely be given such an opportunity.

Even if for this he needs to overcome something impossible.

And he will come out and say what he must say, what is on his heart.

You know this fruit in Eve's hands was like a weapon from which there was no hiding

and it was aimed for me.

And it was in the hands of the person I loved. 

Eva had a beaming smile on her face at the same time.

And I thought maybe it's not so bad.

So she ate this fruit and nothing bad happened.

On the contrary, now she looks so pleased.

I've never seen her like this before.

Her face expressed something like ecstasy.

Maybe because breaking prohibitions brings pleasure.

Breaking the prohibitions makes you an unusual person.

It kind of makes you superhuman.

Becouse you are now above the rules and laws.

That is not for you.

You're almost a god, because you don't need laws.

You personally decide what you can do and what you can't.

you are super person now!

For whom no moral laws matter.

Trampling the law the man says I will do what I want.

Let no one tell me how to live.

I'm smart. I am cool.

I dont need any moral laws.

As a result, of cours he commits some big stupidity.

And when the time comes to pay for what he has done,

some kind of animal fear comes over him.

His knees shake and he cannot say a single word.
And cold sweat all over his body.

So where does all his greatness and tightness go

when the time comes to pay for his actions?

And he become so small, so vulnerable.

And not needed by anyone.

The serpent did not have to construct an intricate scheme to plunge us into sin.

We easily transgressed the Divine law as soon as a few words were whispered in our ear.
Our hands themselves reached out to this forbidden fruit.

And we gave up so easily.

Did God create man imperfect?

Of course perfect!

And the perfection of man was emphasized by the freedom of his choice.

Moral fall begins with deception.
Everyone who has lost everything, started by believing a lie once.

Sometimes a lie sounds so convincing.
Lying can be so pleasant.
That's just what you want to hear.

Lying is the devil's tool.

There is nothing more successful than lying in his arsenal.

God starts everything with words.

The word of God is the beginning of all the basics.

The devil starts everything with false words.

And it all comes down to the same thing:

Why do you need God?

You can be like God yourself.

But a person does not become God by choosing a lie.

Moreover, over time, he loses his human appearance.

Then a little more and he already takes on a diabolical appearance.

Because the one who feeds on lies, eventually becomes like his owner.

I stood and looked at this fruit in her hands.

It was really beautiful.
I just couldn't take my eyes off it.
When you look at it, you no longer remember any prohibitions.

This is the moment when feeling and desire overshadow the mind.

There is an eclipse in the head.

There is only your desire.

And seems the desire is so irresistible.
And you are not interested in when you will pay for this sin.

And you are not interested how you will pay.
Or maybe someone else will pay.

But how can this interest you now, when you see the object of lust and it is so close.

And it seems that you have no chance for other scenarios of this story. 

Because all you need now is to reach out and take this fruit.

I still dream of the Garden of Eden.
I wake up and realize that I'm not at home.

And I will never go back to my house

We took care of the beautiful garden where we lived.

I named the birds and animals.
Everything was so harmonious.

We were at the peak of bliss.

And at this peak we wanted something else.

Probably a person should not be given too much bliss.
A person forgets that not everything is allowed to him.

A person forgets that everything he has is given to him by God.

But He has already stopped appreciating what God has given him.

This is no longer enough for him

He needs something else.

The belly demands more.

The hand requires more!

And even the mind now demands something more.

And under this onslaught so easy to cross a certain line that can not be crossed.

I didn't believe that something could change for the worse.

It seemed to me that this state of bliss and harmony would not go away.
I'm so used to it.

No, nothing will change, I told myself. Even if I do something wrong...

I took a bite of this fruit and ate it.

And it didn't bring me any satisfaction.
I even felt some bitterness.
It was the bitterness of deception.

Later in my life, I faced similar temptations from Satan, who tried to complicate our lives.

His traps always look very attractive.

it is beautifully wrapped like a gift,
but when you take them you feel its lightness

and when you unwrap it you see emptiness or even poison.

The same picture. At all times.
Forbidden fruit.

Sin immediately entered us after we ate the fruit.
And how did our depravity manifest itself?

- That we have started to justify ourselves.

God asked me, "Have you eaten from the tree from which I forbade you to eat?"

And I am still ashamed of the words that
I said in response,

"My wife gave me, and I ate."

And Eve..
Eve said  "The Serpent gave me, and I ate."

Justifying one's sin, and blaming another person for one's sins, is the consequence of our depravity.

Remember that if you point at someone with one finger,

three fingers at the same ime point at you!

Therefore, you will have to repent not only of your sins,

but also in the justification of your sins.

When you have sinned, there is no need to prove anything,

and nothing to explain.

Just put your head down and stand still.


No more words.

Because you should have spoken earlier.

And it was necessary to act competently.
But you didn't succeed...

Well, then admit defeat. Accept this reality.

Because the one who admits his mistakes can claim the condescension of man and the mercy of Heaven.

The verdict was pronounced when we began to justify ourselves.

God did not banish us from the Garden of Eden when we tasted the forbidden fruit.

That happened when we start to justify ourself.

We have set a bad example for future generations.

People will often blame circumstances or other people for their sins.

But this only aggravate their situation.

Оnly those who admit their sins and mistakes have a chance for a better future.

In order turn everything in the right direction, you need to start with the word sorry.

When I took this fruit and ate it I didn't know at that moment I had lost everything.

I just started this ticking mechanism.
I started the countdown.

God said that you will die when you eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

We tasted and did not die.

But ....when we saw after a while the first dry leaf falling from a tree branch,

we thought.

And we realized that we were going to an inevitable reckoning,

which is called death.

Death is the most shameful punishment for a person.

Everything that he admire,
everything that he felt,
everything that he loved,

death simply crosses out and speaks at person's face: ” None of this matters!”

Whole castle that you have been creating all your life will be destroyed and forgotten.

But people live as if they will never die.

People live a heroic life.

Because despite death people know how to joy to be happy.
Despite death people know how to love with eternal love.

Despite death, a person performs ministry all his life or does what he is entrusted with.

And the rewards for his work, for his ministry, for his faith of cours in some incredible way find him.

Everyone has their own tree of knowledge,

where a creeping serpent is already on duty,

waiting for you to whisper innocent words to you.
And everyone will be looking at you.

How you will behave.
Which way you turn.

Right or left.

And if you turn the wrong way,

you will need time and effort,
and maybe tears,
and maybe sweat,
and maybe blood, someone's blood,

turn around and go where you need to go

Consequences always overtake a person.

At the most unexpected moment.

When everything is fine.

When everything was forgotten comes the moment

when, under the pressure of events you have to look back.
Or just a knock on your door and you flinch.

And you understand that the past has broken into your present.

Becouse you left some debts in the past and now it has come to you

With interest.

you did something wrong once.

And now you have to pay.

And this is not the worst that can be.

Sometimes your loved ones have to pay for your past.
The people you love the most.

They are paying for your mistakes and sins.

Believe me. I know exactly what's going on.

Truly wise is the one who managed to keep what was entrusted to him.

Something entrusted to each of us.

The Garden of Eden was entrusted to me.
I couldn't save it for you.
I'm here to apologize for what I did in the Garden of Eden.

I apologize for my act that turned life on this planet upside down.

I've ruined everything.

I've lost everything.

I kneeling before all generations.

I m asking to forgive me.
Because I couldn't save the garden of Eden for you.

And now life on earth can be so hard.

It's my fault. It's my fault.
Forgive me.

I was the weak link in the beautiful picture of God's creation.

I'm kicked out of the Garden of Eden.

I am an exile.

You know, if there is still hope and chances for a better life, I would like to give it to you.

I have prepared the words for you.

They will make the suns shine brighter.
For you.

So that all corners of your soul will be filled with light and love!
Word has perfect authority and everything is subject to it.

And when kind words are spoken, something incredible happens in this world.

So I promise you all the kindest and best.

Someone has to promise you.

Because the soul wants to hear the words of the promise.

Because it gives hope.

When promises come from the heart, it will definitely come true.

I promise you not episodes of happiness, but a full happy life.

A life where harmony and peace reign.

I promise you that even your innermost dreams and desires will come true.

If you have been long time in difficulties,

it is time to reward for everything that you have suffered.

The property of the soul is to feel what is behind the words that are addressed to you.

I give you a part of myself, a part of my fire.
And it warms your soul.

The cold recedes. The sun is rising, and a new dawn is already coming.
Life will delight you with new events.

What should happen will happen.
What should come true will come true.

Dream and make wishes.

Order gifts.
Let the Sky decide for itself how to make all this a reality.

May all the best suddenly come to you.

Just like rain in the middle of a hot day.

You will feel this blessed moment.

You will realize that happiness has come to you so unexpectedly,

and has illuminated your soul with bright light.

And it became so easy and so good.

The river will change its course and will wash your feet with living water

and strengthen you.

And where there was dry land, flowers of extraordinary beauty will bloom.

t will be a gift to you, from a universe in which incredible phenomena occur.

There are such colors, such power, such love that we cannot even imagine.

And a piece of all this will come closer to you, enter your soul,

and you just won't be able to stand still.

You will jump for joy,

you will scream with delight,

because the Sky will make you happy.

Even if you doubt it, I believe it will happen in your life.

And my faith alone will be enough to make it come true for you.

Besides, the word still has the power to shake the universe,

as well as to generate faith in the human heart!
I promise you all this.

Wonderful events will come into your life!

I'm proclaiming it.

All this will take place!

Вecause words are like strong warriors.

And they are making their way far beyond the horizon.
They come back and bring everything you need from there.
