7-19 translate. all was at all so. these snapshots


But questions? From top to bottom second under the order a snapshot, and it(he) is described so in the book Девисом " In a corner we have found саркофаг! The author I shall bring more full translation compare to a snapshot! " We has understood that саркофаг in an antiquity was established, - the word English - "couch" is applied, and there were on it(her) heads львов! And at Тутанхамона on an armchair? Further саркофаг have dragged in the party, and the distant wall as a hairdress, нубийски a wig was punched, on that the left half-fault of a skull is strongly damaged(strongly injured). On the person there was a gold mask, that on eyes is cut off! And can so " to hide the person and person! " The Hands were kept, they were позолочеы, and in hands have remained only палки, but could be " or __ Two плети махалки, или_ Плеть, and Hook. That is, the Imperous powers, these subjects could be intentionally torn off in an Antiquity.
That естть a symbol authority __ Кобра. It it is enough now to assert(approve), that it is the man, though ALL empresses, though tens plots on гробницам Амарны-с_ Коброй in a crown. It is complete absence of presence! Без_ Кобры, and that, and in pair с_ a Falcon you will not meet empresses, врезьбе, in statues!
But the Top fragment is important, and I have noticed it(him), and it is Increased and вырезанныйц a fragment. Higher - нища with конопами, and саркофаг was on Девису, but it(him) местополжение is foggy " have attributed(related) it(him) from погребальной сени In the PARTY "! Now саркофаг in Википеди, and at me in my plan at Other end гробницы. It with предыдующего of a snapshot страицей ранше a fragment. Саркофаг I am finely shown also considered(counted) that it is two Rotten бруска of square section. That is it is not necessary to guess any more where саркофпг? In a museum, but it(he) was most likely, as words to understand " I посмотре, from an input(entrance) TO THE RIGHT? Not совсе it is clear at кааой of a wall? Longitudinal, or Perpendicular, and niche with конопами, and саркофаг. It(he) did not move during shootings, it specifies on two snapshots before a head му мии on both snapshots the large piece from стены_ And, letter. And More to the left almost to саркофагу at a head of a mummy the panel from six boards adjoins, that two had half on them of gilding! " It is pleasant to me, and you now know плаировку гробницы, but no more than three meters in its(her) end more precisely. All length of a premise(room) is not less 10 meters it is in the description!
P/s. And still specification - black strip on a cover саркофага, it seems slightly просевшая a strip on a breast, a board and there полый the text and titles, but Unique(sole) картуш Is cut down. Here there is a lot of fog, such as " second картуш have not made, as it(he) left on places, where top Изгибтся, that is at legs! Картуш always there was one. And still hairdress a unique(sole) hairdress as a hairdress, though it and нубийский a wig. Itself think, эт and естьсюрпризик- I the year саркофаг considered(counted) брусками, at a wall!! To all told in that evening, also began already with interest to wait for morning! It was necessary to whom that to remain. It to me is simple the students, man thirty! Night, kitchen, and pair we throw up in огнь of fire wood, дремлем in копне. Through a pair of hours you will replace, and above a head the green sky of Egypt! Has fallen into a reverie!! 7-18......
