7-17 translate where gold, ирод. or wipe гляделки!

From the Author! This plant Анки, that from time to time set Девису on kitchen. It is a question so затуманен, but in it(him) only one Function is not known. That is about gold we know everything, and ANYTHING.
I work with the document, and the foggy literary description гробницы without the plan nothing gives! Precisely to tell on a question it is difficult, or even there was an orientation гробницы on the Parties of Light, and the arrangement of an input(entrance) is shown! The door you see on 10 meter walls can be cut through in any place, and the door pass is not wider than 1.5 meters. So is exact, if not there will be a unpretentious sketch whom that of археологов in them личом archive it is impossible! It not so, like and is important! But it is a Detective, and let with mistakes the plan, well, as a place of survey, is necessary! It is certain First картинка, that will extend a string of a narration. I have made the plan with second
Or third attempts, though the Literary description погребения has left about ten questions on an Arrangement of boards of boards, and still that, that there was, and in decent quantity(amount).....
There was all much! And these, subjects also have neglected! Now, small secret. We can partially, this reception apply in Раскраске black of white film, for example " In fight there are days the old men " now colour but it(him) showed many times as is black - white. Оконтуриваются of a figure, find a type of a fabric, that then carried, and the colour гимнастерок and Fills in текстурой, as in computer game. I примеяю the same reception, н with a clause. At illumination on a floor гробница there are of a Light stain, that stones by the size about a bucket, and on a black tree of boards, light stain the rests of gilding. It is possible to a tree by ZONES to give a Golden shade!
And to light slices of gilding to give yellow окрас manually!
This information also is given old NOT BY(WITH) COLOUR SNAPSHOTS. And on a wall " a Map Севернй and Southern Америк ". But under the order. Photographing of a premise(room) began from this staff!
At the left there is an inscription " plate an insert or figure " - here photo, and Number 26. If in the text to find the Description of this snapshot, it Is necessary, I have transferred(translated) as: " I, Девис have risen at an input(entrance) and, having looked On the right has seen a wall, and in it(her) a niche with jugs конопами! "
1. Question first! Further under the description follows, that выста нищи about meter, коноп-jugs about 0.6 meters, and length and width of a premise(room) approximately of 10- 12 meter not absolutely square! Let's ask at Чапева- where stood тренога with фотоаппаатом?? That was with Tula гармошку, and узкопленочные will appear on 35 м флтопленку only per 30 years! Years through twenty...
.... Чапаев, having come through ten minutes has seen, that the Focus already has dragged off the device and swearing матерно tries to establish треногу! The absence of the workers this day was resulted that certain subjects by(with) plaster, крошились under legs! At last Focus has established hardly equally треногу, and as having straightened on stones, has made first, and last on a today snapshot. It(he) with before you, and проявка of a print borrowed(occupied) about a floor of hour, and in one hour all сгрудились above wet still by print, as to dry it(him) on heated metal печке at поварихи, have not decided. Then have put certain, arrows(pointer), and inscriptions what to discuss details. Having worked in the editor, I have given them!
And it(he) goes counter with the plan, that is on Ви кипедии, and concerns, watch(keep up) under the letters.
2. I needed to find a corner, that the top line of a niche goes наиаискосок, and that to a wall Perpendicularly at the left adjoins a wall, it покаазывали boards and certain палка-B. The lines -I-J_I2, are a corner between these walls. And Чапаев has estimated already, looking on a snapshot, that up to a niche from the left wall no more than meter! The question is difficult проаботать one while! An opposite - input, or Focus продрался and отальные, all круша from an Opposite wall, having overcome meters ten on this кавардаку!
3. All of boards it is the separate panel, wall from погребальной сеии -6 pieces. On two лальних, considering from a bottom up to сеедины - rests of gilding! Thus it is possible to specify the size of a wall, and that on осталных, except for a board number - 2 of gilding on the moment of shooting, the first input(entrance) any more WAS NOT.
4. Two boards, are a snapshot I Высветлил to numbers 7-8 laid on a mountain of dust!
5. The letters -D-E, show the handle from a hammer прислоненая to the right wall of a niche, at the bottom niches, at edge(territory) lays молото, without the handle, form with кувалду. That is бруском with an aperture in middle. To it(him) 3500 years, or Девис размочалил there this "кувлдометр". And ннже, on a niche there is that that, such as Личины, that has an aperture for a key! The niche Was closed дверками. Коноп two of four is visible! And the niche on risks on a wall is probably - is combined from a brick separately!
6. Promises a surprise. Under a niche, certain Rotten бруски on a floor!... It is an excellent(different) page! " 7- 17..
