Q3 in process

Dear William Lane Craig,
You are my personal hero and I am utterly grateful to you for great changes in my life!!

You have perfectly clarified God's Divine Nature's relationship to the dimensions of time and space - aspatial, timeless and immaterial prior to the Creation of the material reality and aspatial (or transcending the existing space), temporal and immaterial) after this great event. My concern lies in the Human Nature of God: how does The Human Nature of Jesus refer to the dimensions of Space, Time and Matter after Jesus's Human Nature's Ascension to Heaven. But first, am I correct to hold that Jesus's Human Nature began to exist only within Holy Mary around 2024 years ago and from Jesus' Human Nature's beginning to His Ascension, and that His Human Nature is within space, time and matter? If we agree on this, the only question left is the dimensional state of Jesus's Human Nature after his Ascension. Now, either The Human Nature of Jesus is in Heaven, or in an intermediate state ushering to Heaven, which you describe in #562 as aspatial and immaterial.
Here I do have another question: is the state of the departed temporal or timeless?
Continuing the major question, I don't see how Jesus's Human Nature can be in the intermediate state, since His physical body was taken, therefore fully resurrected. If I am correct, we conclude that Jesus's Human Nature exists in Heaven. Now, in what dimensional state does His Human Nature then exist? In other words, how does Heaven relate to space, time and matter?

I hope it does not count as an unrelated question, does the addition of the Human Nature to God leave unviolated the changelessness of God's Divine Nature, which is so by definition?

Thank you for so much care for us, questioners!
Utterly grateful,
