
People like me are going high by going down the rabbit hole ... "
Donald J. Trump

Liliputins. What, the heck, is this?

Going high can have different meanings depending on the context. It can mean a period of extreme excitement or happiness when you feel full of energy, often caused by a feeling of success, or by drugs or alcohol or a religious experience1. It can also mean a drug-induced high that lasts for a long time. In a more figurative sense, going high can mean responding to a challenge with a solution that reflects your values and goals, rather than anger or vengefulness.

I believe you meant “going down the rabbit hole”. This phrase is used to describe a situation where someone enters into an unknown, disorienting, confusing place that’s hard to get out of. It’s usually used metaphorically; you’re not actually in a physical place, but a mental place that’s confusing, disorienting, and hard to escape.

For example, if you start reading page after page of symptoms, you might end up misdiagnosing yourself. That’s going down a rabbit hole, when you probably just need some fresh air.
