Holland. Part 1
Rotter-Dam ?
- Вращающая-ся Дамба - ?
- The Entry from the Sea into Maas the river ?
- Направо сразу - Терминал !
- You never see the Witte Bruge right from here - !
- The wonderful the People are inside
They're speaking only fluent English ! ( Not as by me
on International )
They are the Wonderful for you - жаль , Центр - Борманн
придурки разбомбили .. .
by mistake !
Вокзал misleaded
так мимо .. .
стоит on Embankment - Стату-я
- You know is who is that - ?
- Peter the Great , Thar's Russian
- The 2-nd approach - " Please do you - ? )
- Yeahs i do it who known - Peter-Great
a Russian the Tzar-ь
- Ну-всё !
б-ля !
Подослали - ?
I never use the Danish from the FrisLand .
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