netanayatty dont accuse political situation

don"t throw responsibility
the situation is not life and death of the etata
only one little politicien
that dragged everybody towards negative
which is due corruption
enforcing of feelings
and negative etata
that didn"t understand
that nationnulity is judaism and culture and not military separatism
don"t learn from murykanya
murykjanya is big and militaristic etata
And reusya as well
what empires can isavel can"t
concentrate on being jews
religion is literature
don"t forget the judeanwar
don"t forget hallacost
don"t forget wwtwo

don"t left history repeat itself
you are a little nation
and etata not so strong
be friends of izzzlam

izzlam mdleft religion

(the last one little black roundedsquare)

izzzlam a bit imperislistic

md left province

jews isavel


far left province judea

that was renamed il ya capital ynь

there is moral capital

and there is a nation with no capital and no major gorod
