413. Song of dead water Грай Песня мертвой воды

перевод песни "Песня мертвой воды" группы "Грай" (Россия)

Skies are freezing strangely in dim pool
Of dead, fading water
The unmourned shadows pull their dark hands
With their fir branches

In this dead water
Listen, is ringing the song
Moan of the winds
Echo of ancient woods
Silently step
By the overgrown path
To the river of gloom
To the emptiness hole

Sorrow is so deep
Sorrow is so dark
Cannot take the bottom
Sunset's burning out
Until it becomes
Dark ashes, mist, and ice

In astringent calm
With ashes and grey hair
Cover, please, my grave
Cry then for me
Call me with the song
In the pitchdark night

октябрь 2023

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