Are you watching closely?

The Prestige' (2006)
The first line of The Prestige is almost a call to action. “Are you watching closely?” says Christian Bale’s character. He’s not talking to us, the audience, but in a way, he could be. In a way, he’s speaking for director Christopher Nolan. The Prestige is about magicians, revenge, and obsession. It’s also about things not being what they seem. Better watch closely.

What is another word for watching closely?
Need synonyms for watching closely? Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.
Present participle for to look at closely or with interest
Present participle for to look fixedly or vacantly at someone or something
Present participle for to look at closely or with interest
keeping an eye on watching observing monitoring checking spying on keeping tabs on keeping track of keeping a close watch on covering keeping watch on stalking keeping a tab on scrutinizingUS keeping under observation keeping a beady eye on surveying eyeing keeping under scrutiny eying keeping under surveillance surveilling scrutinisingUK watching like a hawk keeping one's eye on following tracking keeping in sight examining overseeing watching over noting inspecting shadowing trailing tailing studying supervising superintending paying attention to heeding hunting hounding tracing bird-dogging staking out taking notice of regarding viewing looking at eyeballing scanning spying clocking checking out dogging chasing minding pursuing coursing tagging keeping a check on running seeing noticing beholding spotting witnessing perceiving discerning sighting espying descrying distinguishing catching gazing at taking in getting a load of taking a gander at keeping a weather eye on twigging taking a shufti at taking a dekko at recording lurking nearby auditing keeping in view putting a tail on keeping watch over lurking behind checking up on keeping under watch following secretly keeping under guard bedogging casing keeping up with running after lurking close by guarding investigating going after following the trail of riding shotgun listening to contemplating checking on discovering recceing getting an eyeful of reconnoitringUK reconnoiteringUS detecting picking up on looking on marking peering at secretly following stagging observing furtively working undercover keeping a watch on keeping abreast of keeping up on memorizingUS considering keeping up to date checking over giving the eagle eye memorisingUK sussing out staying current checking up scoping keeping tabs tending giving chase to conducting invigilating presiding over policing attending caring for keeping in touch with keeping up to date with following on stringing along hanging back spooring following a scent bringing up the rear running to ground hunting down nosing out lingering behind taking out after running to earth tagging along behind tagging along running down poking along lurking in the shadows remarking gaping rubbernecking staring at sizing up glancing at perusing leering taking a look gawping at gazing upon having a gander at having a squint at giving something a once-over having a dekko at giving the eye giving the once-over having a shufti at having taking a glance at having a look keeping eagle eye on
“Richards emphasized police urge motorists always to watch closely for any sort of pedestrian movement when approaching a crosswalk.”
Present participle for to look fixedly or vacantly at someone or something
staring gazing gaping goggling gawking peering eyeballing gawping ogling beholding contemplating glaring fixating focusing focussing inspecting leering looking observing regarding rubbernecking scanning scrutinisingUK scrutinizingUS studying surveying viewing watching admiring eyeing eying outstaring seeing blinking glowering checking out looking fixedly looking intently focusing on looking vacantly taking in laying eyes on sizing up fixing on riveting on taking a good look getting a load of getting an eyeful having a good look looking hard giving the eye giving the once-over staring open-mouthed staring in wonder riveting one's eyes eyeing up
