funny bone

funny bone

the part of the elbow over which the ulnar nerve passes. A knock on the funny bone may cause numbness and pain along the forearm and hand:

"she banged her funny bone on the doorpost"

a person's sense of humor, as located in an imaginary physical organ:

"photographs to jostle the mind and the funny bone"

By cleverly playing with this double meaning, the pun creates a humorous effect that tickles our funny bone.

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lustiger Knochen?

Here are some idioms about bones:
As dry as a bone - very dry.
Bare bones (of something) - the most basic and important parts of something.
A bone of contention - a subject or issue over which there is continuing disagreement.
Bone up on - to study or review something.
Bone weary - extremely tired.
Bone yard - a place where bones are stored.
Chilled to the bone - very cold.
Close to the bone - too close to comfort.
Cut prices to the bone - to reduce costs to the minimum.
Diarrhea of the jawbone - talking too much.

make no bones about
Meaning to talk openly about something, instead of being silent to express a fact frankly without any doubt ...
Example Sentences She makes no bones about his feelings towards the protestors. ...
Origin The phrase “make no bones about” originated from the 15th-century expression “find no bones,” which means – to find no problems or complications with something.

to "make one's bones" is an American English idiom meaning to take actions to establish achievement, status, or respect. It is an idiomatic equivalent of "establish[ing] one's bona fides".

Although the idiom appears to have originated in the United States criminal underworld, it has since migrated to more popular and less sinister usage; such as discussions of various professions and occupations including law enforcement personnel,[8] the legal profession, and journalists.

In popular culture
The idiom was popularized in the 1969 book The Godfather and its 1972 movie adaptation, for instance when Sonny says "I 'made my bones' when I was nineteen, the last time the family had a war", and when Moe Greene says "I'm Moe Greene! I made my bones when you were going out with cheerleaders!" The term was also used in The Sopranos several times. As in these examples, in organized-crime usage the phrase refers to establishing one's credibility by killing someone.

My life improved immediately. The other cooks began addressing me as an equal. ... I had made my bones.
Anthony Bourdain

violent bone | WordReference Forums
WebLawyer: I've known you my entire life. You don't have a violent bone in your body, and I know you didn't need the money. What does she mean by ''violent bone''? Why does she use ''bone''? Is it ''bone'' as ''skeleton''? And is it a usual expression or idiomatic way of …


Psychology Today
Bad to the Bone: Are Humans Naturally Aggressive?
Web If humans have evolved as aggressors, if using violence is a core part of our nature, then aggression needs to be a thing (a trait) that can be targeted and shaped by evolutionary …
