Under the 5th turnover

  She's never give you
in or up
   Because u - very old und almost drunk

-  How loved i all of them
  these pleasure-forms
Dushe отрада

 before depart twds the
  planet Mars next Night

 the Moon is Full stands
under exact angle und proper Time - per seconds

 - Will you prepared for the Start ?  - Do feel yrslf as good und sane to get be ready for the Start ?

- Whr ft - got ready only i to hit for Amsters'Dms
- Huston ! dont hear from -  is very interesting in - u ,
taxi , dress up skaufander ,  pension orden ъ  - dont hesitate - ask me for more - existing in my eyes the - lovely-only Lord   ?  - 
- Да хоть the "Star by Hero - Я космачь боле ни люблю
нет в нём там
 ничего-такого , чтобы
с psedo-научной точki make - outstanding-there announcements
for fool-humanity .
- Sir , that's all  .
- Applauds all  !
- Thank you ! Thank You all , God's pleasant as for Samuel as for this our own the nice evening !

( Tonight , Bob - уж нажрёмся !

 У параноиков артерии ни мощны
любая паника
 сведет с ума 

- 0hh - Yeah  , 0-oo , Да-а !   

-  To the the first of human beings .. .

  Part 2 .   Under the Burden of the Heavy Load Provisions . Part 2 .

-   Got are you ready  - ?
-   y-ee , for sure  :
 lets go it nax

  get out little babу from the line - 0ff-fire
 "dk-1357 "   - -  -  Бельгийский , говоришь  ну-да ,
za рукоять при-пахивает пригорелым маслом - switched ~ on
 Get out !

- for first stop-cross
thru the подсобки off magaaz - called by the peoplz - '' Перекрёстоk "

- Avbym it's jerky's triple - Cв.той Аппостолл Ъ
        Of by  the  Trinity


