
Unable to save from death's embrace,
Children will send me to the pyre's place.
No one is to blame, it's true,
Raise a glass of wine for me, won't you?

Feeling no remorse, I must confess,
I treated my father no less.
A daughter asked her mother why
She was born, to help her try.
Decided? "Asking to be born" * (From Cohen's song)
It's not mine, but your reason, strong.

Without asking, without a word,
Here we create each other, absurd.
Then creators into fire we send,
Such is the law, humanity's trend.
There's time to live and time to die,
Not our right to quantify.

So, what am I saying? How deft
One must be with time, to beget
Decisions of who should be born,
And to board passengers, forlorn,
On the bus to the morgue's door,
Which none of us can ignore.

So many rhymes with verbs abound!
Feelings and thoughts, they don't astound,
When trying to create, it's clear,
I ask for forgiveness, my dear.
