how to become a god in the face of mathematics


how to become a god in the face of mathematics


shave your temples
drink the tap water
paint the walls yellow
walk in circles
bumping around 
on the past


leave your room
wear a smiling raincoat
go straight to the sea, to the big accumulation of water
it doesn't matter how many waves there are
as long as they swallow you up
in your forgiveness
the portal to the present is open, Mr. Ronin


oysters of snow masses have accumulated in the windowpane
the sky is nauseating, the angels are the vomit of gentlemen
hiding under an umbrella like a barricade
revolution is possible in the fast window
the computer game has come to its final cutscene
there's nothing ahead, there's separation ahead
blow a bridge behind you, become a raven
kill and devour your enemies until
until you finally lose to Fatal Mathematics


what a day
it's damn frustrating to think of fresh concepts
from newspapers of yesteryear
the constellation bunker is making Death's eyeballs
there's no blood under the feet of a murdered warrior, it's alcohol
reality exudes a narcotic intoxication
all are dead, brother, only you are left
well, chop my head the Seven Headless Winds
I'm ready, taking forever
to become a new supernova
I tear up the text and the symbols
get in my eyes and under my skin
nothing, no one's left
two cathetuses, but who's the hypotenuse?
Serving House, Night of the Broken Tower
my idea is
the word in the square of the quotient
where numbers no longer mean anything
