claws and their consequences


claws and their consequences
(ballads and other disorders 1)


where does line begin?
the goodness? my own personal hell?
I look under my skin
but all I find there are gums
bleeding, poor
they're doomed to repeat!
I see the other side
but there's no one there, it's completely empty
oh, I see the other side
there's only a mossy boulder
there's only the expression of a mouth
from ear to ear, to every trace
that I missed on the road
there's only a path

but where does it begin...
where does the path begin?


steppe riders, arrows of lightning
Egyptian darkness, a thunderstorm over the flock
the sheep stand still, they wait
what the Man in Black Shades has to say to them
he's silent because the desert is ahead
expresses a falling out of reality
it's when you're looking at the stars and you're
in the stocks, dusted in the underground...
of your own ego, of empathic burlesque
I turn the sky towards the stars
I'm in charge of the altar of vengeance
I smoke a pipe of Ermine
the whispers of the water-the leaping of the frogs-are
the voices of the river and nothing more

I smoke the pipe of Ermine
who has scarred my body? which one of you is the true demon?


the story is on the verge of collapse!
anthropomorphism replaces ratio!
twists are strained! saddles instead of publishers!
I'm locked in a madhouse!
I'm running circles around my ward!
my brain is strained! chaos and logic are in collusion!
where is the translation of Reality!
who will do the translation of Causality!
that will put us all on the same line, explain the Object!
I am drowning in the dosage of the spectrum!
grass and sage interspersed with books by Proust and Kierkegaard!
I am thrown out of your world!
I am shot in Sennaya Square!
Raphael Ambrosius Cousteau – as a representation, as a contemporary!
they roll me up in the carpet of Events? but what am I guilty of!
one more gram and you're out of the cycle!
I move only in a straight line! from castle to castle!
I'm out on the dusty road of literature!
poets and losers, losers and poets!

my dear Charles, we'll meet soon!
the question mark is replaced by an exclamation!


in the tan of smoke the reins are thrown
in the sunset skies angels croak
we laugh with them like children
while the Beast wanders somewhere, very near
we are fished by the Net out of the houses
the fisherman's net or the web, the Cobweb
no matter what, I'm cut down by fools along
while I'm falling and hitting with the glass
Nemel's shards, who's trying to coll(rr)ect?
to get a painting or a mural
of my victories (all the same failures
that are only glanced at from the sidelines)
and defeats greater than longing
the ugliness of the world, the beaten Causality
I like a berserker ready to die
go to the precipice as if it were an abyss
or the White Hotel, the Garden of Epicurus
I cannot return to the world where I am loved
I can't even go back to my home
I die with the cough of the radio

my rygodon I demand to long read
like the music of another – Redempt’ Beat
