Про Купидона Роберт Геррик
Любовь на мой порог:
Одежда сношена дотла
От шляпы до чулок.
Он от щедрот просил моих,
А я не отказал;
И он, насытившись, за них
Меня благословлял.
Но покидая мой порог,
(Совсем украдкой) он
Меня коснулся, как обжёг,
И душу вынул вон.
Любовь, страстей неясных свет
Украли мой покой;
И лука я не видел, нет,
Но палец был стрелой.
Upon Cupid
Love, like a Beggar, came to me
With Hose and Doublet torne:
His Shirt bedangling from his knee,
With Hat and Shooes out-worne.
He askt an almes; I gave him bread,
And meat too, for his need:
Of which, when he had fully fed,
He wished me all Good speed.
Away he went, but as he turn'd
(In faith I know not how)
He toucht me so, as that I burn,
And am tormented now.
Love's silent flames, and fires obscure
Then crept into my heart;
And though I saw no Bow, I'm sure,
His finger was the dart.
Robert Herrick
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