Weekands is over

 Tonight is Friday
 drunk as  an
   as  drunk the  Newton

 I - hate yours double
morals , minds ,
 gene-of  absent frozen at Gimalaya

The Universe of Laws
at sunrise
will stir me out

Wake up my Love
at the  Dawn

 Dont sit in  Metro for 149 seconds  ]

Go by the glance  -
Let  no  hearing  this  from  nothing
No  birds are singing here
for further more
 investigations  :

 See i at fucking "supermarket "  -  every night
Give at an  man or baba

 into theirs  humble buckets - Пойло - важнее , than - пожрать

 Zet-Ъ мизантроп-Ъ
I dont you call me as like  -  b-r-a-t    .
