Life is an adventure

dedicated to Andre Carsten

Life is an adventure and you never know
When the wind of change starts again to blow,
And you fly away exploring other lands,
Leaving us behind whom you called your friends.

Life is an adventure, and you are just guest,
Now it’s time again to leave your cozy nest,
And to fly away like migrating birds,
Trying to reduce sadness as it hurts.

All these your achievements, cycling, marathon,
Painting exhibitions that are so well-known,
Tennis, karaoke, you are good in all!
Look how many people here, in this hall!

Thank you for your mission, kindness and ease,
Trying to be fair, always looking pleased,
Loving dogs and poems, working hard with smile,
Always doing everything in your own style.

Autumn’s coming up, throwing golden leaves,
Taking you away with memories and gifts.
Life is an adventure with challenges and fun,
There, in the Netherlands, remember Kazakhstan!

11 сентября 2023
