We are chasing the wrong carrot

We are chasing completely wrong carrot
We should dive into our own abyss
All the riches that’s hidden within us
Can’t compare to the ones that we chase…

Dive inside and reveal all the treasures
That are hidden inside your own heart!
Dive inside and allow the pleasures
Be unveiled to you by your HeArt!

Find all gifts that are hidden within you!
Find all talents that you have inside!
And explore the uncharted depths
That Your Heart, Soul and Spirit hide!..

All is hidden inside!


#sabinadyepoems #thesanatkumara #жизньигра #служениемиру #мир #миратворец #силалюбви #любиСебя #любовь #мыслиомире #всевтебеуже #радостьжизни #этотмомент #истинавтебе #силаслова #единство #творец #синхра
